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<br /> <br />4461 Lake Avenue South. White Bear Lake. MN'55110 <br />(651) 653-7401 . (800l 361-0032 . FAX (651) 653-3746 <br /> <br /> <br />Here are a few different ways that I feel I can help. <br /> <br />Option 1. I can provide you with advice and equipment. The advice is free. The <br />equipment charges are the following: <br />Digital Time Clock - $100.00 <br />Time Machine for finish time - $50.00 <br />Finish Line shoots - $15.00 <br />P A System - $25.00 <br />Mile Markers - $5/each Mile 1, Mile 2, Mile 3. <br />Numbers and Pins - 22 cents each <br />I also have tents, cones, banners and other race equipment that would be available if you <br />needed it. <br /> <br />Option 2. I can also provide your event with the above equipment and with complete, <br />accurate results for all participants. That additional charge would be <br />$1.00/participant/pre race registration and $1.25/participant/race day registration. <br /> <br />~. I can manage the entire event for your org~ization. T~s would involve s,tart to finish <br />event management. I would market the race III the many dIfferent ways pOSSIble, prepare <br />all information for the entrants, set up the course and make sure the event day is what you <br />expect. All race equipment is provided. During this entire period, I would work with <br />you making sure I am providing you with the services you expect. For this I charge <br />$4.00/pre race participant and $5.00/race day sign up participant/minimum $400.00, You <br />are still responsible for the expense of the shirts and awards. I take care of the expense of <br />numbers and pins. I would need help getting volunteers. <br /> <br />The first two options are pretty straightforward. The third option can provide both of us <br />with the greatest return. With this option, I have a financial incentive to get as many <br />runners there as possible. The more runners at the race, the more money you also make. <br />