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<br />Effective 915/00 <br />City of Centerville Ord. #4 <br /> <br />elevators, stage towers and scenery lofts, coolingto'Ners,ornamental <br />towers and spires, chirnneys, elevatorbulkheads,.smokestacl<.s.. <br />conveyors, flagpoles; silos , an dairc{Jnditibni ngandheatiJl!;rlJnit~.;ah~ <br /> <br />C. No tower, gable, spire, orsimilar structure shelll beusetlforsleepibg <br />or eatihg quarters or for any. commercial purposeexceptone(1) <br />ihcidentaltothe permitted uses of the main building; <br /> <br />Division 120: Yards <br /> <br />Section 120-010: General Requirements. The minimum depth of front yards, rear yard <br />and side yard for each District shall be as defined in the Schedule of Regulations and <br />conform to the following additional regulations: <br /> <br />A. All structures, whether attached to the principal structure or not, and <br />whether open or enclosed, including porches, carports, balconies or <br />platforms above normal grade level shall not project into any minimum <br />front, side or rear yard; and <br /> <br />B. Lots which abut on more than one (1) street shall provide the required <br />front yards along each street. Rear yard setbacks shall not be <br />required on corner lots since side yard setbacks apply; and <br /> <br />C. Any principal structure situated on lands contiguous to or abutting any <br />portion of the public lakes in Centerville shall maintain yard setbacks <br />of seventy-five (75) feet from the lake. Where adjacent structures <br />have yard setbacks different from these requirements, the minimum <br />setback from the lake shall be the average setback of such adjacent <br />structures to a minimum of fifty (50) feet; and <br /> <br />D. The minimum side or rear yard depths for the following non-residential <br />structures or uses which abut any lot in any Residential District shall <br />be: <br /> <br />1. Off-street parking spaces and access drives for non- <br />residential uses - Twenty (20) feet; and <br /> <br />2. Churches, schools and public or semi-public structures - <br />Forty (40) feet; and <br /> <br />3. Recreation facilities, entertainment facilities, all <br />business uses and all industrial uses - Sixty <br />(60) feet. <br /> <br />Section 120-020: Computing Front Yards. For the purpose of computing front yard <br />dimensions, measurements shall be taken from the nearest point of the front wall of the <br />Page 35 of 62 <br />