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<br />Ground Development, Inc. (GOI) Is. a member of both the Sensible Land Use Coalition as well as <br />the Twin Cities 8ullder's Association. Developer's Council. We actively participate In both <br />organizations. <br /> <br />In summary, tM strengths 01 Ground Development are I) our extensIve experIence and <br />knowledge of the Industry, II) our unique financIal strength and III) our focus and expertise in <br />marketing. <br /> <br />We look forward to worklng with the Planning and Zoning Commission, the City Council and City <br />Staff In designing and approving a successful single family home development which we all can <br />be proud. I would be very pleased to answer any other questions you might have. <br /> <br />Sincerely, <br /> <br /> <br />ItA#.:-- <br /> <br />Assistant Vice President <br />Ground Develo!=)ment. Ine. <br /> <br />co: S. Fiterman GOI <br />