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<br />Parks & Recreation Committee <br />Meeting Minutes February 7, 2007 <br /> <br />The committee discussed the event at Schwan's Super Rink being held on Saturday, February 24,2007 from 6:00 to <br />8:00 p.m. This event is FREE to the community. To gain admittance, residents will need to show a license with a <br />Centerville address or come with a resident of Centerville. This information is on the cable channel, the web site <br />and will be on the City Sign. In addition, the first 48 people will receive an Open Skating Coupon Good for One <br />Free Session of Open Skating. Chairperson Seeley & Committee member Jakober will hand them out to residents at <br />the event. <br /> <br />Comorehensive Plan Review <br /> <br />The Parks & Recreation Committee met on January 17,2007 at a work session to review the Comprehensive Plan <br />as it applies to Parks & Recreation. Staff supplied Vice-Chairperson Seeley with an electronic copy to which <br />updates have been made for the committee's further review. Vice-Chairperson Seeley questioned whether this <br />could be added to the March agenda opposed to February, as the committee currently has a full agenda for February. <br />Vice-Chairperson Seeley also questioned what was the time frame for the committee to work on this, when does <br />their review and subsequent input need to be finished by, and who is it submitted to? Mr. Dallas Larson, City <br />Administrator responded: The March - April time frame would be fine as we will be selecting a planner to work <br />with the Planning & Zoning Commission and that process will take a couple of months to complete. It is expected a <br />planner will be on board around April I, 2007. Feedback from the Parks & Recreation Committee can wait until <br />after that date. <br /> <br />Banzai Plat - Trail <br /> <br />After a lengthy Public Hearing at the February 6, 2007 Planning & Zoning Meeting, this item was tabled to allow <br />Mr. Hanzal to make possible revisions that would work with a 10' front setback variance opposed to a 20' variance. <br /> <br />Available Peltier Preserve Property <br /> <br />Lots 4, 5 and SA, Peltier Preserve, which the committee has been looking at for possible park property, has been <br />sold. The City never received an appraisal as requested. Up until recently the property on Anoka County Property <br />Tax Records showed Mr. Ron Lillestrand and Integra Homes as owning the property. When the property was <br />checked 01/29/07 it shows Julie Quale as the owner, with the last sale date being 09/06/06. It is not clear if Ms. <br />Quale was offering to sell the property to the City or if it was Mr. Lillestrand, but the representative Mr. Larson, <br />City Administrator, was discussing this with was Mr. Quale. Mr. Larson talked to Mr. Quale on Wednesday, <br />January 31, 2007 and Mr. Quale said an appraisal would be forthcoming, but probably not before the next scheduled <br />Parks & Recreation Meeting. The property's last sale prices in September were as follows: Lot 4 - $175,000, Lot 5 <br />- $195,000 and Lot 5a - no price. The property is apparently still for sale. <br /> <br />Peltier Preserve Channel Park Property <br /> <br />This property, as of 01/29/07, shows the owner as Integra Homes. Integra Homes has not been willing to work with <br />the City to deed the channel park property to the City as originally intended. This item is with the City Attorney to <br />determine if the City has any recourse. <br /> <br />Tracie McBride Memorial Park & Acorn Creek Park Renovations <br /> <br />Committee Member Harris has met with some of the residents neighboring the park to look at various ideas as to <br />what the community would like to see in this park. One idea that was suggested was a type of sand play area. The <br />committee discussed how sand can be a problem with sanitation issues. Committee Member Harris asked what part <br />of the fence surrounding the pump house can come down, if any? Mr. Palzer said the entire fence can come down <br />as just the building will stay and if the committee wants to think about a water fountain, water is easily accessible <br />with the pump house located on the property. Mr. Palzer also stated the pump house needed to be upgraded and the <br />committee could think about colors to match the play structure. The cost of the upgrade would come from the water <br /> <br />70f8 <br />