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<br />City of Centerville <br />Planning and Zoning Commission <br />February 6, 2007 <br /> <br />Commissioner Love asked if the foundation size is 1,117 square feet and the R-2 <br />requirement is 1,050 square feet, could the house and garage be pushed back and still <br />meet the R-2 requirements. <br /> <br />Mr. Hanzal replied it might be possible but the house would still require a variance. <br /> <br />Vice-Chair Klennert Hunt asked if the other driveways he was comparing to were PUDs <br />(Planned Unit Developments). Mr. Hanzal replied yes. <br /> <br />Vice-Chair Klennert Hunt asked Mr. Hanzal if he had considered a PUD. Mr. Hanzal <br />replied yes, but he was not sure it was right for this lot. He indicated that if he did a PUD <br />the house would be fine. He stated he wanted individual family homes to conform to the <br />rest of the neighborhood. Mr. Hanzal also replied to the statement about his back yard, <br />indicating it remained dry 90 percent of the time. He stated the garage size is a matter of <br />preference. <br /> <br />City Administrator Larson explained what a PUD was, for the benefit of the individuals <br />in attendance. <br /> <br />Mr. Krueger mentioned developers are required to pay Park Dedication Fees or donate <br />land. He stated the outlot could be donated for City park land. <br /> <br />Commissioner Fehrenbacher asked Mr. Hanzal if the appropriate covenants would be put <br />in place if the variance is approved. Mr. Hanzal replied the covenants would be strictly <br />followed. <br /> <br />Mr. Kruger asked if Mr. Hanzal's other lots could be split equally so variances were not <br />required. Mr. Hanzal replied this would require moving or tearing down his house and <br />that is not an option. <br /> <br />Mr. Kevin Malani, 7354 Old Mill Road, stated granting Mr. Hanzal the 20-foot variance <br />would put his house right in front of him when he opened his door. <br /> <br />Mr. Tom Wilharber, 6849 Centerville Road, stated he had served on the City Council for <br />18 years, served as the Mayor for five years, and also served on the Planning <br />Commission. He reported this area was intended to be zoned only R-5, so he is surprised <br />at the R-2 designation. Mr. Wilharber pointed out the lot was never a buildable lot; it <br />was always an outlot. He stated Eagle Pass was a planned development with coved <br />streets to allow more homes to be built and Deer Pass is on a cuI de sac which allows <br />shorter lots. <br /> <br />Ms. Sandy Salazar, 7336 Old Mill Road, stated she is concerned for the safety of children <br />and the fast traffic on the road. <br /> <br />Page 6 of 12 <br />