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2003-01-06 P&R
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2003-01-06 P&R
Entry Properties
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3/16/2007 1:38:33 PM
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3/16/2007 1:38:16 PM
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<br />· To: City of Centerville <br />From: Wayne LeBlanc <br />Subject: Buckbee Property Development <br /> <br />12/19/02 <br /> <br />A developer will try to maxilYijze profit for the short term. It is up to our city Council to represent the people <br />and consider what is best for the community for the long term. <br /> <br />A "miracle" in community feedback has occurred. Almost everyone around the development has been contacted <br />and they have signed a statement stating they <br />.. Do not want Twin Homes because they do not fit the character of the n~ighborhood <br />I) Do want a park. <br />No Twin Homes <br />People in the cOill'l1unity seem most concerned about the Twin Homes and high-density development. It seems <br />the City should have zoning ordinances that di~)tinguish better between single-family homes and T'vin Homes. <br />Park :Need <br />There are no parks in the northw'st part of the city. When the first development near my home went we were <br />told there would be a perk. None ever appeared. Kids in our area tend to play on the street. Also, if a lane <br />roads divides the city, it will be important to have more park resources to the r~)t~l of Main St as park resources <br />areurrently concentratec; inihe south end of the city at Lamotte Park. <br /> <br />There is a school in the center cfbe sity, it's not for toddlers and it is not 3s<:l11abJe during school hours. <br />This school is not a complete substitute for a rIe. <br /> <br />the yc:h of the city eni:Jbasizcd to the Minnf:sota Design that t~ ;rc was ,-,thing fer them to do <br />in the city. \Vith no park in this Dart (;'tl,e city, youth and child!8n wouldn't even able to play an infcrrmaI <br />game of footbnll or soccer or llastic ball. <br /> <br />Circle Pines has 120 acres ill park, Ct:ntervi11e has about 30 acres. Circle Pines ha~) about 26 acres per thousard <br />people, ar:J Ccnterville has a1;(;ut 10 acres per thou,:nd a.nd,wilh th.. trend, is headed for 6 acre'; per thousand. <br /> <br />There's also sometbing to be:' d for pride in a local neighborhood community. At Creek, neighbors gel <br />toget;}cr,.nJ designed their park and many helped put it aU together. A similar opportunity for neighbors iI' ,he <br />new development should be available, otherwise, neighborhoods tend to be sterile and the people isolated in <br />their own private sp8.ce. <br /> <br />In recent developments, money was taken instfad of land because parks and open space were not an issue. In <br />The Shores, there will be a tm and Anoka COllt)' Park is next door. For Hunters Cnssing, Lamotte park W:J.S <br />next door and there is a trail directly to tll:' parle In Pheasant Mar;h, there is a trail nd a proposed rark toward <br />the east part of the phase.; 2 develop1T~;nt. For this development, there are no nearby parks and the l:cn81'y is <br />maximized. LAND should be taken instead of money. <br />Park and Recreation :.Fi nJances <br />I have checked and rechecked Park finances. Our city fmance e~:pert confirms my numbers. She ,. 1YS we wlll <br />have $161,190 in park dcdicatiun fees (this does not include maintenance and other park .funds). /.s of 9/3/02, <br />the total cost for priority "A" items listed for capital improvements was $28,300. Not prioritizcd in the list, bEt <br />considered important is to rC;lOvate the warming house with a cost of$19,700 for a total of$48,000. Paving a <br />parking lot was also listed for $50,000, but, in my npinion, this paving is low priority and besides, a more <br />environmentally frie,jdly non-impervious surface for at least part of the lot should be co,;sidered. <br />With $50,000 more frum the Buckbee property, Park & Rec would have $211 ,190 available for a $48,000 <br />planned expenditure. That's $163,000 to spare! Park and Rec should take the LAND, not the money. The <br />LAND is a far 1110re valuable resource to the ci~y and community than $50,000 (paving a parking lot). <br />Summary <br />The Council should listen to the people and do what's best for the community in the long term. <br />NO TWIN HOMES. Take LAND instead of money for a PARK. <br />
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