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<br />. <br /> <br />City or Ccntcrville <br />Ol'din:mce Iln <br />Effective: December 3 :,2002 <br /> <br />The order of business may be varied by the presiding officer, but all public bearings shall <br />be held at the time specified in the notice of the hearing. <br /> <br />The Chair person/staff liaison shall prepare an agenda of business for cad: regular <br />Committee meeti11!~ and file a copy i.1 the office of the Clerk. The agenda shall be <br />prepared in accord;lnce with the order of business and copi~s shall be delivered to each <br />Committee member and to others as far in advance of the rneeting as time for preparation <br />will ncrmit. No item of business shall be considered unless it appears on the agenda for <br />l1w L, :cting or is approved for adc1ic,on to the agenda by a unanimous vote of the <br />Committee present. <br /> <br />The Chaiq1GSon/st,dT liaison shall see thai at least one (1) cory of printed ll1ate1";a1s <br />relati;l~r, to a,~:enc1 ll~ms:c: ava!lable to the pLll)licin the meeting room \\11ile the <br />Com; ,tC(; com:il~ers their subject. en ,er. :c ag::nda itell1 sk;'l not be c),lsidcrccI <br />iiT; r "c "jwvision is cO',l:plicc1 \virh. ',; sccilon d()c~ rI(l; ,;pply Ll LllIlc;c iTlr;;}ls that <br />(lIe 'eJ f~tS oth~:~r (i'lan pub~jc: Ltnd, ~r tbc lnncsota L.. "ta PracLicc~; ~)r rnateria,ls <br />fn>rn cl()~cd JT!\~ c:tini~~)s. <br /> <br /> <br />C("-{':'YJ <br />) ~_ '\-- ,J \ <br /> <br />i,;u~in.'~s:,,~ -lJlrc iJgil. <br />;-nd ~',l))__;(-' tij(":j)~ <br /> <br />ir):l;' n <br /> <br />c <br /> <br />1'1'1 <br /> <br />t I' ;-: 11, ::~:J." <br /> <br />t'j ; f~~;C <br /> <br />t.i <br /> <br /> <br />tT1;'n voLe. <br /> <br />'T:1C ; jit1~c ]'/lcln: _'or '(JU:ti.~'E~ 1 i:~~ 01 L:~'l rno: ')~,l. (lJsu~dly 11.1 lb ~QlJCy\,/.il r i(-irin: "-t rnc)'vc <br />'xt oftlJc rn\~ .~)i1."). '-j-1)~_; 'C\~,rrj1Jl,~"lC<: ;\/JcrnrJcr nlaking fi'lotlon ((;)c:.~: (J\)~ need t'':l <br />r ~)r "0-:\",,: for it. 'flll U]jiL1JitCC dl;cr 11lay v/ish to IJt the js~~uc -;Jcf()n.~; ~1 ': <br /> <br />{-~onlnj~, "",~ ;.~o a C _,~:J.Sl0 C;_:l'.! <br /> <br />n-,.,dc. <br /> <br />1.('>1.,;1'( rnl:l1 <br /> <br />;\/lCl1tbl-:( ~llcn <br /> <br /> <br />.'~lcdLln by:' ,()~l~'<lJ:'~~: !11 ~:~;cc.,,'~r'd 1il~ il-01.:Gd!t <br /> <br />Chair:c>> (hl~ mokm ilnd cp.:nc; pcndi'lg L \ti:ll1 to (!!SC s.~un. Tile <br />prc';I(l:1~~~ oli ,,;CI' "aIls Cor [he voLe aL th; end of tile discus:;ioll-; and ani'(ilm,.::':,; rC:;I;!1 <br />o{'the vo:.c, <br /> <br />0"UT~f):'~ TC'; ;'C~~)r-,I(:~~;rn: This j-i-,~_~,li',)ll ~jlli.Ll," - J CUJdj-;liih'c 10 .-.;d llsi"k t_L \ I! <br />~~1;..',\ ~_ll~d to n:cc,ll,c:J':i' tLl~ nl~'L("~:.;r ~\~; [1 il had ]Jot vUlcd on 1,:lC i,(i~;tJe, ()rdy <.l. <br />\';-'r-'.~d un Llh' prC'v~lj!in,[~ side 1l1:1Y P10VC to rcc~)rL..;id,.'r. ~kc the Jll'.)!i.,'I:l <br />II! 1110\-'(' ~() 1\_:CCi ,du', lhc tr:ol.oil tu h:~ ,-~C~)ll:.~;"l'::rcd" II The CU1l1(111ttc1:: <br />Ck1J~lk ih(~ nil) lClill:,' COil:ll'iilkc p(L~sr_> tlie )lh)iio:1lu 1::~ClJ1i:,idC'r) it l I '-;lth,.~ll rCl-oll;-',j;k:' ,iC <br />rnolic'll ;111,,1 :kc :lno1lLcl "'OiT, 11-' [he C(JClll":iuc,-~ d:;r~'-lls ;.1 rnotion ['0 iCCOIl ~1(kr, il:J <br />flJrihcr ,-lctic,Tj i>: J]C":(_~c:,;,(~:)r'l <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />difT,Ti:IIIX bCI\VCCI1 'I; <br />!J,cLlon Tu j!G.'."T'G!JC r 'I'iC nlu' ')111() ij,,:.'-Jpu!lC tCl!:;X)j "!-,C] !(~.n (~ ii:y;:])Uq.: <br />1(~1)' :s 11'10rc ~I I;lution to 'lL~y un the lablcl! or II taLltc," Tile LK1Lion to <br />])()"_,iiJu:1C) posl;Y)rjc~: cO!lsid,: ,at-1Url cr' ~hc n:ol1cnl until sorCIL: und(:[crn:;I'lcdJ ['ulurc t;, Th..~' <br />C\)n~I;:it!:cc r~-l~l.~, ;lSIJI.T ~I L!_L!cc~ Ill! I)P 'VhClV-~'-'-/cr (l ul' the 1l1(:rnbcrs decid'-'~ l\.) de SiJ. <br />;\ rnutlcll ll) pC): ;-;l_TIC indc[j Luv,:cvcr, IS lhe c(]Jivalcnt to a llCg~ltjV('. vui:.": un the in:Jin <br />l;'cti"n, ThL;s, ,lv, i:i';UC (;l'l bL' r;l; a IWJlion made C;LlIT1CLlnC on the <br />:,i;lc oft;lC "'ote unless SOli l:..;U; !C challr~cs his Dr her lnind; the rnotiol1 to postpc'nc \v:!1 once <br />prcvai l. <br /> <br /> <br />Page 5 01' 8 <br />