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<br />C' <br />J~~,'J r-_""?'.'~'~ <br />. /:SMii.\\ Native flants For Rain Gardens <br />" -o;'S:}lji ~;:._},~,--:-: .~t~ <br /> <br /> <br />24~' <br /> <br />fv1arstrl rd~~H-'~VJ'E'0j <br /> <br />A.sclepic:;s jnC~:!72t~ <br /> <br />3G~3 <br /> <br />[:::'l~r'p~9 <br /> <br />June..jtugl~st <br /> <br />~tle.~ '10 rno:s., SOITjs. <br /> <br /> <br />t=u:J sun to p3rt shade. FJet to nt)Ql~st soHs. <br /> <br /> <br />F'u~r sun .~o pcH't shade. <br /> <br />Fox Sedge <br /> <br />C6Jrex vtJ/pinoidea <br /> <br />Gr8~~1 <br /> <br />n:,1ay-June <br /> <br />Joe Pve <br /> <br />EupaCoyjG-ffti.7 macg!a;{;;z3iri <br /> <br />3G~~ <br /> <br />vl2rrok: <br /> <br />~L5g~ s~~n ~n p~~"fi: Sh2d'3. tf~ie~~ '20 ~no~st soaBs. <br /> <br />JU~}r..S0pte?11ber <br /> <br />b~~2~ .rC~pi~3d t:ister <br /> <br />36" tf~:hiie <br /> <br />A(;,s'J:e,-' tH't;t,:eUatus <br /> <br />ruB S~~~1 '~Q 'i;L~~i shade. rJ~oL~;'t to Vile-oft s;oE~~" <br /> <br /> <br />3G~9 <br /> <br />Soft t~,.~Sf1 <br /> <br />J1UU..~_5lS 8ffMS~3S <br /> <br />3S~' <br /> <br />~~itoVJn <br /> <br />~;:~Jr:~ S~H1 to ~GUtt s~~ac~s:. t:';;~)t 'io ~-n~~st 50Hz. <br /> <br />Jf..~~Y"'J.{;~[,~g(;.Ssi: <br /> <br />fi;i~CtJiJ1'~2~n fu'~I~-l;t <br /> <br />Pj/CffJ;;:; t~; in en; a;'z-7J1) vLj;;~2; i3"~' j,2 nJr;~3'3 <br /> <br />~rG~~1 ~i~e <br /> <br />J; u ~1'",Sc:':;'[j~~etrJ1~~r <br /> <br />~.';'q,~Ej sura fi~ [~::zrt s~"]ad~~. 't\j't~~~ '-~0 E~'~G~-st S,O]53. <br /> <br /> <br />[3~g 8~U:BG'i~G:tl <br /> <br />AJ~<!::rC,-;JC1f)'1:.!n f}0S~2d'(;;~j <br /> <br />"t~~~.'J <br /> <br />[t'~,E"p~0 <br /> <br />r:~-~f!g Sl.~n '~cJ t;::S'X1: Sf~~~~1~J,--~0~,:s:'~ 1:0 d~'<y Si:..'i~~S~ <br /> <br />,:.3 u~1;1~Se1G~f:':frrBber <br /> <br />8G'i'Ue C~s,\[;Ti~,'~~~ <br /> <br />G0;>f'i;E~3:;a z![-:!zJf'e~i;lSfi <br /> <br />2,~}j' g1tL;-...~ {~usE~~:s'2-r~c((]bGr <br /> <br /> <br />:~S'~ <br /> <br />~:;;\~:~ ::...~~n it,,"") <br /> <br />fUL~ -to pz;r-i SEn. F(e'~ t~}I r:~o~~:>t S0~~S. <br /> <br />Gok~c'n ;::::",~'2:;';:8,,~d~:~':::..~ <br /> <br />;?iZ8a 6~_f!r;"'5:~,] <br /> <br />3<)~J <br /> <br />'\-:'"s.:i':':":"J <br /> <br />F"~::}~ ~,!-.-~n {'. --' ~~'r-{ s:-:c>:~i'::. <br /> <br />2::.C2'~,332t <br /> <br />E' z; .:: s: ;':'::; j~ ~~ 25 -;: p e i/{'J' ~~ J'::l~' ~ " :-:--;; <br /> <br />\,~' L~~t-,S '_~'- :'~2~",r~:.:~:-:~~.:::~ <br /> <br />-Co: ~ 1. ~_,~ <br /> <br />'. ,_c. <br />'-"..:;;!. <br /> <br />.~<:; ~":J.c~.~::::,'l ~;::;~~s. <br /> <br /> <br />,;~~~il~~ <br />"\tn. ~~"f( <br />~,i,;~:~v~: -<{~ <br />";":;:' i:1,:~"c'i\."'".J.flft''';'t <br />., ,'r____,'JiZi...'W;~ ~~A, <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />L';2~'-,EL'IY <br /> <br />~~~"-s'i to ;Qi:2'~S'~ ;:?,D~~S. <br /> <br /> <br />c. ~~ " "J <br /> <br />,...),;:.,~:i <br />>>~I'.:\~ <br />~}r':'- l <br />"l-.'\.. <br />".", "IIi <br />-:'~~-;~'~-:~\';:i <br /> <br /> <br />Rain Gardens <br /> <br />Urbanization has greaUy ~ncreased the amount of ~mpen,('ct:5 stuOfaces (streets, roofs, <br />compacted lawns), creating an ovs,rload of storm water runoff. Rainwater that histori- <br />cally infiltrated i"to the 9ro~md now flushes qtlickly through storm sewers and into <br />our lakes and streams. These large-volume runoff events transport large amounts of <br />sediments, excess nutrients and other pol- <br />lutants, leading to a deterioration of water <br />quality, along with increased flooding and <br />erosion problems... <br /> <br /> <br />Rain gardens are shallow depressions that <br />coHect stormwater from impervious sur- <br />faces and infiltrate, filter and evaporate the _ <br />runoff. Rain gardens are typically planted <br />with a diverse mi" of l1a~ive wildflowers, <br />grasses, shrubs and trees, and are an at.. <br />tracHve, low maintenance addDtion to your <br />home landscape. <br /> <br />Your rain gail"'c-Jen should have standfftllg tilater for no fotiger than 24 - 48 <br />hours. Mosquitoes generafiy tatw 7-10 days to complete their bre0dlny <br />cycle, 50 your rain garden sfwufd not increase mosquito populations. <br /> <br /> <br />flanning <br /> <br />ro <br /> <br />Map your prop- <br />erty. Note topog- <br />raphy, buildings, <br />existing vegeta- <br />tion and o~her <br /> <br />features. DetGr.. <br /> <br />~11irile vJnere ex.. <br /> <br />isting rt~~l{,rff <br /> <br />f~ovvs. <br /> <br />f.,') <br /> <br />Calculate U;0 <br /> <br />area of U1e ~rn.. <br /> <br />f;'H~N~OUS st~rface <br />that drains to <br /> <br />each dovJ'nsDo~t <br /> <br />or runoff pCR~1-t~ <br /> <br />,-''0.,--- <br />, ' <br />-../ <br />/'. <br /> <br /> <br />" '~{~"r.J~{,';",t~ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />"I" "1" ' <br />II, ... .'1" C;;f::__LJ)t--.~.S <br /> <br />i;> ~/ I (I ., r~', <1,-'; <br /> <br />,....: . ') i].' <br />.r---4 ..1, <br /> <br />any basen'llerrits. <br /> <br />f0 Desfgn yo;ur rain <br />garden !r1 the area li~1at c8ptures '~b{? ~1,ilGS.t i"~~~off, p~Z;C~~'ijg g'i 8); ~c:ccS'-t ..~ 0-1 S? tJ~"o~~ <br /> <br />~H1d 6..9~~ dSE:'p. <br /> <br />ro r;;'~~Jke yo~~r n:1~n 8Zl~.t2\;.n abog'i '~O~~ DY the s;ze c'i the ~ls'e3 ff~ ~'GC,2~""~2:;; ~'u~,:y[~ fn},n'~, <br /> <br />F...-,) Create a s:"]aHcvt! s'.!'Jale or nJn dn;;k~ t~~e rn:nrn your dOi..'\'~~-=fr3':),:1'25 '~o l~hc r2i~n g2rdsn <br /> <br />ro <br /> <br />to ensure the stormvvater ES capta.g"cd. <br /> <br />P~an for a cc-ntroHed over'[~O\i:l for ~a~"ge storm eve~"r2s. <br /> <br />f0 Choose a vaTse'iy 0'( n:;d~ve p'2re.nn~ais far YOtB'" r3~n g~;c.L::n, d-2~::2nc~-~~g C~1 s,~~i ::nd <br /> <br />nght concn:ions. 'ncIt~de at fec~st 40~/o gn?~sses 2~~d S[;~~~~S.S to r.:,ro~Jfdc s~~~::"-pc-r~ '~cr <br />nOvJer s:~e~!;"'~s 2nd ~;1tI3'rest~n3 tGxtlE'GS. <br /> <br /> <br />Lxcavation <br /> <br />ro <br /> <br />Locate any utilities in the area berore you dig (Gopher One-Cal! - 651 454 <br />0002). <br /> <br />Remove the existing vegetation by using a sed-cutter, smothering with <br />heavy black plastic ror several months, or applying a herbicide such as <br />Round-Up@. <br /> <br />ro <br /> <br />ro <br /> <br />Dig a shallow bow! (6-9" deep at the center) with gently sloping sides. <br /> <br />ro If clay or heavy soils are present you may need to over-excavate and back- <br />fill with a lighter soil mixture (50% sand, 30% topsoil, 20% compost). <br /> <br />ro Place excavated soil en the downhHl side to create a smaH berm. The <br />berm should be sligMly lower than the rain garden !11~et to allow for a con- <br />trolled overflow. <br /> <br />ro Cover the berm with erosion control blanket ~o hold the loose soils in place <br />while plants become established. <br /> <br />ro <br /> <br />Spread 2" of shredded hardwood mulch over the ,en~~re planting area. <br />Woodchips tend to float and should be avoided. <br /> <br /> <br />flanting <br /> <br />L <br />I ';.;-f",<-:'.,~",.,.,. (......'" " ,/-.-.... ~:..../~~7.'.;~-:::.~ <br />. .+,~_r,y"~.,, "it",', -- - ',~ I - (' ", -.l J <br /> <br />.J~:;r~..\ '//'~~~f\ -~~~~~~~~.::;~::;~',- )$~- ' I <br />1> '-.......\;jl/-// \::;,x!f/j'~"".,",>.:::c.':'.:v.,'-<.",Ii,' / <br />-?~~~=~~~il~,~?)~?;5:/\:: /<'2:,}.-3"'~:{,~ '\::~ .:/ j <br />'0. / /,f ,S,:/ r'>/ /~\ ..... _~. <br />l~J(:;~(ii~~~~.i~t~~~>;;;;-:/ '\.'\ '--,' <br /> <br />'1 \, r i T'-,,;/ f. ,~'i / \\ <br /> <br />t~~~?~;? "\ , <br />/"[ / /! \'. '--;/<, I' <br />'?j/ /.1 \. c " <br />~ r \..j" <br />l-/\"~,,,~J-.J, I <br />i .~-------"""" <br />i ///1\ <br />,I C \\ <br />Ii 'I <br /> <br />ro <br /> <br />Seedlings can be planted from <br />mid-May to mid-September. <br />Summer plantings may require <br />frequent watering. <br /> <br />w <br /> <br />Plant sesdnngs 12'" a~;';1rt \fiJ~th <br />more flood tolerant species <br />toward the bottom a:!1d dmug;M <br />tolerant species toward the <br />top. <br /> <br />ro <br /> <br />Plant species in large C8tmters <br />to provide more V~St~a; impClct. <br /> <br /> <br />Maintenance <br /> <br /> <br />years. <br /> <br />ro You ra~n garden V~1~~; reqH~re SO~1e 1~1a~~~e~ance for ~1'& ~east ibi~ f~rsf 1:\tllO <br /> <br />ro Ensure that you rah1 gzrden reCehfGS et iGas'~ or-de inCh"1 of \fJ2~ter ~~2r "'A{GeE';' <br />for the first 2 months. f'f vJater~ng ~s needed, g~ve YOi~r garden one goad <br />soaking per wee!". <br /> <br />lightly v'Ieed your ra~n garoen cr~ce a moniJl. Leav~ng p~ai1t tags rH;:}{t to <br />your plugs or purchas~ng a p~2nf EEl boo',\. r[1czy he!p rn det0rrr'lEn~ng \!\!r.''dch <br />p~ants are undes~rabk~. <br /> <br />ro <br /> <br />m Dead p;ZJnt n13terEe'l1 C2.n be n~.rnc-\"'2d ~n th,s spr~ng to c;nOVJ more rao~-n for <br /> <br />neVlf grov.:th. f\flany n2t~ve SpGC~e5 hcnfe strc..:--.:g s;>~i?r~lS ~r~d 'i,:-\;,~H st~y StGd1d... <br /> <br />~ng even 2fte'f a sno\!vlc:n. t1iHovJing {he ye2~'G grCVS.ri!1 to st8nd over v\.:intsr <br />zdds visual ,nterest a~d ~ncrGases \\;~idn'c~ h21bHcl't. <br />