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2004-10-06 P&R
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2004-10-06 P&R
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<br />J.. <br /> <br />Parks & Recreation Committee <br />Meeting Minutes 09-01-04 <br /> <br />Committee Member Ziegler stated Centerville is small city with a small budget, would <br />Centerville be able to afford the services of SRF and would SRF be willing to work on such a <br />small project. Ms. Giese suggested a simple analysis of the issues involved and the possibility <br />of working with the design standards and the grant process. SRF would give an estimate of <br />charges before actually starting the project. Chairperson Peterson questioned whether the City <br />would have a legal issue with Bonestroo, the City's engineering firm if the committee were to <br />use the services of SRF. Chairperson Peterson will discuss the legalities of working with SRF <br />with the City Administrator. Committee Member Seeley felt SRF could be extremely valuable <br />at the next grant rewrite. Ms. Giese estimated the cost at approximately $800. The committee <br />agreed the money spent on a feasibility study would be money well spent. <br /> <br />v. CONSIDERA nON OF MINUTES <br /> <br />Motion was made by Committee Member Peil, seconded by Committee Member Ziegler <br />to approve the August 4, 2004 Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes as is. <br />Ayes - 5, Nays - 0, Abstain -1 (peterson). Motion carried. <br /> <br />VI. COMMITTEE BUSINESS <br /> <br />In reviewing the Eagle Scout project suggested by Mr. Drew Johnson the committee discussed <br />whether funding by the Parks & Recreation Committee would be appropriate. The committee <br />was in favor of Mr. Johnson's project and would like to support it. Committee Member <br />Ziegler questioned whether finding the funding for the project was part of the project itself. <br />Vice-Chairperson LeBlanc stated scout troops have funding for Eagle Scout projects. The <br />committee will review the project at the next scheduled meeting. <br /> <br />Centennial Youth Hockev Association <br />Use of Laurie LaMotte Memorial Park Hockev Rink for the 2004-2005 Season <br /> <br />Ms. Jodi McGregor, Outdoor Ice Coordinator for the Centennial Youth Hockey Association <br />(CYHA), sent a request to the committee regarding the use of Laurie LaMotte Memorial Park <br />ice rink for the 2004-2005 hockey season. CYHA would like to use the rink for outdoor ice as <br />they have in the past and are requesting extended dedicated hours. CYHA is also requesting <br />the rink for dryland training starting in October, after tryouts and teams are placed, and <br />continuing until outdoor ice is available or weather permits. The dryland usage is a first time <br />request to the City of Centerville. CYHA currently uses two other parks in the surrounding <br />communities for this purpose as it aids in training and preparation for the ice season. <br /> <br />Ms. McGregor stated: We usually use the rink in the evenings, from 5:00 pm until 9:00 pm, <br />during the week. If this is approved, we would need to know what is appropriate for your <br />lighting situation. The other parks we use have either automatic light systems or we manually <br />turn them on and off when we are at the rink. We also use a "lock box" system for obtaining <br />access to the warming house with the key always being returned to the lock box. This system <br />has worked well with the other communities and I would be happy to forward names and phone <br />numbers if you would like to speak with others regarding the process and procedure. <br /> <br />30f7 <br />
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