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<br />Parks & Recreation Committee j, <br />Meeting Minutes January 4, 2006 <br /> <br />Mayor Capra stated the purchase agreement draft had been received by the City, but an error was <br />found by the City Attorney and was being reviewed. City Administrator Larson was also <br />pursuing an explanation as to the timing of the removal of the house. Mayor Capra was <br />wondering if the house could be used for a permanent Lion's Haunted House. Chairperson <br />Peterson stated the police had expressed an interest in using the house for training, but he also <br />stated he did not think using the house as a haunted house was feasible. If the house has safety <br />issues that make it uninhabitable, then it probably would not be safe for the haunted house either <br />and did we want to leave a house on the park property to be used a few weekends a year? <br />Committee Member Peil did state that the old Public Works building, which is currently used for <br />the haunted house, does not have electricity or running water and is not considered a safety <br />hazard for the purpose of the Haunted House. There should be more information available at the <br />next scheduled Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting concerning the purchase agreement and <br />the removal of the house. <br /> <br />The committee had a discussion on whether SCORE Funds (Select Committee on Recycling <br />and the Environment) can be used for equipment or products if the products are made from <br />recycled material and a sign is posted as such. Each city is allocated monies yearly, but the <br />guidelines are specific and very restrictive as to what the funds can be used for. If the funds are <br />not used in a given year, they are lost. In the past the City was able to purchase picnic tables <br />made from recycled materials, but when the City Clerk researched whether the funds could be <br />used to purchase timbers for Tracie McBride Memorial Park, which were made from recycled <br />materials, the County representative stated these funds could only be used for educational <br />purposes and the recycled timbers did not qualify. Mayor Capra questioned whether SCORE <br />Funds could be spent on a play structure if the theme of park is recycling and educational. <br />Mayor Capra will discuss this with the City Clerk and do further research. <br /> <br />IV. CONSIDERA TION OF MINUTES <br /> <br />December 7. 2005 Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes <br /> <br />Committee Member Seeley requested a change be made to page 5 of 6 regarding the naming of <br />the park at 1601 LaMotte Drive. The statement read: This would give the committee ideas of <br />what the community would like to see the park named as and the name could be announced <br />during the festival. The intention of the committee was not to announce the name of the park at <br />Fete des Lacs, but to announce the contest at the festival. The word name should be changed to <br />contest. <br /> <br />Motion was made by Chairperson Peterson, seconded by Committee :Member Peil to <br />approve the December 7, 2005 Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes with the <br />above modification. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />VI. COMMITTEE BUSINESS <br /> <br />Reauest from Centennial Lakes Little League for Use of Laurie LaMotte <br />Memorial Park Ball Fields for the 2006 Season <br /> <br />20f5 <br />