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<br />Parks & Recreation Committee <br />Meeting Minutes February 1,2006 <br /> <br />and the committee was considering some of their equipment. Chairperson Peterson will contact Game <br />Time to see if they can send a representative out, perhaps to the next committee meeting. <br /> <br />Review of Skate Nieht with Horse Drawn Havride & Bonfire <br /> <br />Unfortunately, due to the unseasonably warm weather, there was not ice on the rinks for skating, but the <br />committee still held the bonfrre and horse drawn hayride. The event was well attended in spite of the lack <br />of ice and the committee felt it was a success. <br /> <br />St. Paul Water Utility Property on Centerville Lake <br /> <br />The following update to the committee was from Mr. Dallas Larson, City Administrator regarding <br />the property at 1601 LaMotte Drive. <br /> <br />Council passed a motion scheduling a public hearing for February 22, to consider an application for <br />grant funds from Minnesota DNR and authorized a request that capital bonding funds to be allocated to <br />DNRfor a grantfor Centerville to purchase the land at 1601 LaMotte from St. Paul Regional Water. This <br />is one last shot at securing grant dollars to buy the land along Centervi/le Lake. The City would close the <br />purchase on about one-third of the property now and execute an option agreement to buy the balance. We <br />need to make sure we are not committed to buy anything that we are requesting grant reimbursement on. <br />The application to DNR would request 1 00% funding on the remaining land or about $350,000. We are <br />hopeful to get at least one-half of that amount. The council made it clear that it doesn't want to do <br />anything to jeopardize the ability to purchase the entire property at the agreed price, but want to secure <br />grant funds if it is possible. It is expected that a decision on the grant would be made in July, so if <br />unsuccessful, we will plan to proceed with the purchase at that time. <br /> <br />The committee does not want this process to become lengthy as it has already been in the works for years. <br />They also do not want to take a chance at losing the property. Council Member Paar assured the <br />committee that the City Council felt the same way and simply wanted to fully explore the possibility of <br />receiving a grant. <br /> <br />Committee Member Seeley, Mayor Capra, Mr. Paul Palzer, Public Works DirectorlBuilding Official and <br />Mr. Joel McPherson, Building Inspector all toured the house on the property on January 26, 2006. The <br />feeling was the house was still in really good shape and it was a shame to have to tear it down. The <br />committee discussed the option of moving it if the cost of tearing it down could be applied instead to the <br />cost of moving it. There has been interest by the Centerville Lions to use the house as the Lion's Haunted <br />House. The Centerville Lions are looking at various possibilities of where the house could be moved to <br />within Centerville and getting bids to move the house to see if it is even a possibility. <br /> <br />Church of St. Genevieve Trail Easements <br /> <br />Chairperson Peterson previously brought up concerns regarding the easements not being recorded on the <br />plat of St. Genevieve's new addition. A copy of a Warranty Deed was supplied to the committee which <br />includes a legal description of the perpetual easement for public trail, drainage and utilities purposes over, <br />under and across; then describes the property. The representatives of the church have this agreement, but <br />as of yet, have not signed it. <br /> <br />Chairperson Peterson met with City Administrator, Mr. Dallas Larson and Mr. Tom Wilharber, <br />representative of St. Genevieve's Church, to look at the trail easements on the church property. The <br />church is also currently looking at getting a variance from the City as there is a problem with the location <br /> <br />50f6 <br />