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<br />""'"'"' <br /> <br />:-..~""~.- <br /> <br />:: <br /> <br />$ <br /> <br />kill \-\111 i II{ I'.I,{)~ t 11,( I ~ i I j) <br /> <br />P.O. BOX lI29 olfD&o, 0tJab0ma 74743 <br />Fax: S80-326-5530 Tel. 580-326-9229 <br /> <br />$ <br /> <br />Cityof c.~k1.u, fl..,. Staleof {/iAJ. 1ipCodc ';)~o~/ICootnt:J.Dalr; 1'1",,(:4 liP 20~ <br />CooIract between ~MiIIa Bms. CimJs, LId, hereinafter referred 10 as Cirals IIIId f?t- ~ f.s ., ~ <..l , bcrciDafIer rcferrecllO <br />as Sponsor. We. the SJlOI:lSOC. hereby cootract with Circus to exhibit \JDdcc our spoasonbip in Ibe City lB'vic:ioity of: <br /> <br />~sfiao- h-,l ...... , 't /.... at ~-U 4 ?~ (..) <br /> <br />QD4~ <br /> <br />;;J ,<:, I c /- <br />, <br /> <br />I I Ii 1 (II I 1 ll\ 1\1, 1"- \11 1\ \1 I \ II," I I Il I () <br /> <br />PRICE: GeoeraI AdmissiOll prices day of Circus: AduIII- SI2.00 QIiJdren - $6.00 <br />Th:kels sold in AdVllJlCC by SJIOII!IOr. Adulls - S 9.00 CIIiIdrca - ss.oo <br />(0IiIdrm: 2 Yo. To 11 Ym. lDcb1sive) NO TICKETS TO BE SOlD BY SPONSOR ON CIRCUS DAY <br />PROCEEDS: SpoIlSlB' receives 2O'J oflbe fust 200 IIlMnte adult tickets sold, and 4O'J. of all adYaace aduIIs sokllller 200. SplnIor ia to receive 25... of <br />all advaDce children tichta. Spoosar is 10 receive 10'J> of all_CIIIIC fIom tickds (CriId IIIId Adult) IOId II: boll ofIicc 011 CiIcus Day. <br />TAX: An ad_ ticket prices include Slale and Local taxes as they apply 8Dd must be subtncledbefore -'emcDL '1U will betumedvvel"lOCiRm <br /> <br />~:S~~A==: s.femf~n7~1~ ~cJl: i~roUJW1iNo MUST <br /> <br />COMP1El'ELY CLOSE SALES AND HAVE ALL UNSOlD TICKIlTS AND MONIES IN BY M1DNIGHT BEFORE CIRCUS DAY. <br />SPONSOR AGREES nmv WDL Nor SELL ANY TlCKEl'S ON CIRCUS DAY. ALL UNSOLD ADVANCE TlCUI'S MtlST H <br />'nJIlNJID INTOTBE TICKET OftIex BY lO:llA.M. ON CIRCUS DAY. 1'k:kas me DDtapplitable as part paymmIl0ll8l1J udlcrtickct <br />and lheR: will be 110 mIIIIds 011 any tickets. SeIlIement 011 all advInce ales must be IDIIde in CASH at 10:00 UIL QII am.s Day. AiIurc ID <br />CQJIIIlIy with Ibis provisioo will ~1icve Cin:us of Ihc oblipDoa In give "",C"'.....4. Circus will settle iD cash 011811 door Ala. !be dole of <br />boll ofIice 011 Cin:us Day. <br />ADVANCE'l'ELEMAltKETIN The Md.areu AchmisiDg AgffIlC'J will sell Special $5.00 OIildIm'sTic:tcIB blbe SpoJIsa This wiD be dooe with Ibe <br />Sponsor's conuol. aDd !be Sponsor will coDed !be mouies from these 1lIIes. Spoasor sbaII pay cin:us SO'I of all coIIec:Icd sales OIl CiJaIs Day, <br />SpoIlSlB' sba1I pay Mcl..aIa1 Adver1isiDg Agency 25... of all coJIected saJes as soon as CXJIJectioDa 1ft fiDi&bed. Spaasor wiD supply its own <br />members 10 make cot1edions of sales IIIlIde by McLaren Adwertising Ag.ency and collect these sales in a timely __ u soon as the sales me <br />recelvedby the SJlOIISOC. This service is provided at DO charae In Ibe Sponscr.1IIlI the Cin:us agReS to giwup 25... ot ilS sIwe (mrmaIIy 75...) <br />as a goodwiU effort In )lIllIDlltC Ibe sale of SpoD&Of Adult 1\c:kcIs. <br /> <br />t 11(( I "- \(, IU ! ' I; II l I" ["-I i <br /> <br />... I' r )....,..... t J! ~ \ ( , 1\ 1 1 ... 11 \ \ I' "1 <br /> <br /> A. PubIil: Liability Jnsunmce indemnifyinaS(lOII5OI'. Land A. Saiblble. _iblc shcJw grouDJIs Ipp'OlliDIIIc size 300' x 300' <br /> lJWIItZ. .wi all apcratioIIs of Ibe Cireus. (CertifieIIc of InsunIDce =~~~_b.0nuIls <br /> available upllR request from bome oflice.) ADy additiooal iDsunmcc <br />.f sbaII be at Spmaor's expense. must be IIIO\Wld lIIId nrIrcd. (DIy &fGS is a fiR; bazInl) <br /> B. TwopcrfarmaDcesooCin:us Day at~ P.m.IIIId~P.m. B. PemIits or Iiccmcs 15 ~ by Jaw (kaI. co.llY ar ..) if <br /> IfOrcus decides ticket sales wammt pcdormam:es. will ~. <br /> be gi_ 011 0R:us Day. C. Access In _ (cilbcr spipJt lB' fiR: hydnDt) 011 or IIe8t Ibow <br />-.. C. AD e10dric conent. grouuds. <br /> D. nnts. _ aud cquipmelJf. D. Police and Fie pnlfeCdOll 85 mpIRd <br /> B. PasoaneI DCCCSSaJy In c:n:ct lenIs, put OIl porformanc:cs, piclrup B. Containers or dumpstcn for trash and _we. (1Wo 4 yald . . , <br /> and clean pmniscs. dumpslm lB'cquivaIenL) Cin:us will pick up all aasb. butspoosor <br /> F. 1000....1, tOllO dlildJcn's adYllllCC tickets. and tickc:lS sold OIl is responsible for removing containm. <br /> Circus Day. <br /> G ISO posterS 10 be installed by Sponsor. <br /> <br />I <br />! <br /> <br />Sponsor shall adverti!e and publicize the CilCllS in such mcdilas available. It is left 10 tbe Sponsor's disacticmas to the IDICIlIIIl used. Ciiats will <br />furnish Circus Newspapers. free. if Sponsor will insert illlO a paid ein:u1ation Newspaper as a suppIcmcnt (maxinntm of 10.0(0). The Newspaper, uslD& <br />its leuedIead, mnst cootact Kelij-MiDei Circus with printing. shipping and circubtiOll information. Circus Newspapers may be purdIascd from the <br />Cireus at $40.00 per 1000 for any othcrdistribution. A cbeck mnst accompany order 8Dd be mailed to ~-MiIICi' Bros. Circus. P.O. Bolt 829. HuJO, <br />Oklahoma, 74743. <br />Sponsor will pay 10 ~Jj..MiUer Bros. Circus $290.00 at the time of signing. as a conuact closing fee. Said $l9O.00 is DOl mundable. <br />Sponsorshall not s!age or conduct any olher similar Fund Raising activities between contract date and CiraIS Day..wI sballcoopcnIle lIIld put f~ <br />an hODCSl and sinccre effort 10 make the Circus a success. financially and otherwise. Sponsor shall furnish at lca5t three members to act as Crowd <br />Control for each performance OIl Circus Day. <br />Sponsor shall receive no monies rrom the Concessions. Special &hibits or Kiddie rides. and Circus retains exclusive rights 10 tbcm. <br />THIS CONTRACT CANNOT BE CANCELLED OR TRANSFERRED AND VBRBAL AGREEMENT POSITIVELY WILL NOT BE <br />RECOGNIZED. AGENT SIGNING TIllS CONTRACT CANNOT COMMIT THE CIRCUS TO ANY PURCHASB. . <br />It is mullllllly agreed that the CitcUS shall not be responsible or liable in the fulfillment of litis contrllCl due In acts of God, Labor Disputes. Strikes. <br />Public Enemies. Mobs or RiolS. e <br />This contract cannot be changed or signed by anyone. except in writing by ({elly-MiJlcr Bros. C or ~ 'l' It! I .-.J l r <br />contmCling agent of lite Circus. r I T <br /> <br />I <br />i <br />I <br />I.. <br /> <br />WITNESS <br />i WITNESS <br />! <br />I Nmlcs of two Members ror Conlal:ts: <br />I -! I. #tI,.,J '11.n/i,,,,,",.!X};C1 <br /> <br />BY (For- the S <br /> <br /> <br />Rcsidcocc - Mail Here [ ) <br />sul..7l?2. ~/IrC/l.. ~ At<. <br />aI:k~', flf' 19M C-5D38' <br />~3 - "3&1(}- ~:{. 7" <br />smt,?'i'V ~~A..M. ~. <br />~~.l.-k&Y#~ ~ 5""~? <br />Tt~/ .7.2-f~~ <br />~r€~1 ~,/it <br />, ~ A,A-.. <br /> <br />Business - Mail Here [ <br /> <br />Sired <br /> <br />City, Slab:. Zip Cade <br /> <br />I -! 2. '5"flrrA"("~ ~L~y <br /> <br />Tt/qlbone No. <br /> <br />Street <br /> <br />C-.I)', SWe. Zip Cade <br />i Tt~~~ <br />:; ~ ~ Name of member. and title. who will settle with the Circus allO:OO am. OD CItC\lS ~ <br /> <br /> <br />.. . <br />