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<br />John Bolduc, United Power Association Right-of-Way Technician. Environmental and Lands <br />Division. <br /> <br />Agrees in principle that a trail under the power line would be an appropriate use of that land and that <br />it generally would not conflict with land use restrictions. The preliminary plans wouid have to be <br />approvet1 by the UPA. The UPA does not own the land under its power lines, it does have an easement. <br />Sent letter dated March 25, 1987 for specific restrictions. <br /> <br />Ti. Inopp, Faculty of Col1ege of Forestry, Tourism and Recreation Land Use Planning Specialist, U <br />of M. "Generally. park land increasing adjacent property values has been my experience." <br /> <br />Did: Wedell. Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission, Mayor of Shoreview, Developer with a <br />housing development proposal for Centervil1e. "In most cases, when faced with the choice of taking <br />land for parks versus taking cash in lieu, a city should take the land. Officials may think at the time <br />that they need the money now or will not be able to afford park improvements or maintanence if the <br />land is taken, but the money will come from other sources. It really does, in time. But, to not have <br />adaquate land to serve the citizens' needs later, and to end up buying land for parks is too cost <br />prohibitive. Take the land while you have the chance." <br /> <br />Other people contacted: <br /> <br />*Centerville City Council members <br />*Centervi1le Park and Recreation Committee members <br />"'Centerville Planning and Zoning Committee members <br />""Jane McKinnon, U of M Extension Horticulturist <br />"'Rice Creek Watershed District <br />"'Grant Scholen, ~fetropolitan Council. Recreation Planning, <br />"'Lloyd Knudson, Minnesota DNR, WildlHe Manager <br />"'Pat Rudolph. Soil and Water Conservation District <br />"'Greg Downing, State Planning Agency Environmental Quality Board <br />