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<br />Parks & Recreation Committee <br />Meeting Minutes October 5, 2005 <br /> <br />Both Chairperson Peterson and Committee Member Peil would prefer to have it at Laurie <br />LaMotte Memorial Park as it is less work for both the committee and Public Works. The <br />committee discussed having two big Skate Nights in January, both with bonftre and horse drawn <br />hayride. The committee questioned whether since this was an EDC function could the funding <br />for the horse drawn hayride come from the EDe Budget? Ms. Stephan will contact Bunker <br />Stables to get a cost for the hay ride and talk to the Finance Director regarding the possible <br />funding from EDe. Chairperson Peterson stated the best ice is typically the weekend after <br />Christmas vacation. The committee would like to tentatively schedule two (2) Skate Nights for <br />January 6th and January 27th of2006. <br /> <br />St. Paul Water Utility ProDertv on Centerville Lake <br /> <br />This item was discussed under Appearances. <br /> <br />Snowmobile Ordinance <br /> <br />Chai..rperson Peterson gave a summary of the discussion had at the last Planning & Zoning <br />Commission Meeting regarding the Snowmobile Ordinance and why it affected the Parks & <br />Recreation Committee. A Subcommittee was formed, of concerned residents, to look at ways to <br />eliminate some of the snowmobile problems in Centerville. They were also to look at different <br />options for people on north side of town to be able to get to Centerville Lake as well as people on <br />the south side of town to have the same ability. S1. Genevieve's Church has given access <br />through their property to Centerville Lake in the past, but is now considering disallowing this <br />usage. The possibility was discussed of having a snowmobile trail go through Laurie LaMotte <br />Memorial Park via the dirt road from Centerville Road and then cross LaMotte Drive to 1601 <br />LaMotte Drive, crossing that property to Centerville Lake. This trail would be cordoned off by <br />snow fence. By ordinance, snowmobiles are not allowed in any City park so the ordinance <br />would have to be amended if this was an option that would be pursued. It would also depend on <br />the City obtaining the lake property. <br /> <br />Pheasant Marsh. Third Addition <br /> <br />The following excerpts from the September 14, 2005 City Council Meeting Minutes were <br />supplied to the committee regarding the Development Agreement issues with Pheasant <br />Marsh 3rd Addition and how that affects Park Dedication Feesffrails. <br /> <br />City Administrator Larson informed Council that Phase I of this development had a reserve strip <br />of land platted that was not caught by Staff He then said that Phase III does as well. He further <br />commented that the City's Ordinance does not allow reserve strips. <br /> <br />City Attorney Hoeft explained that the reserve strip would allow the developer to recover some <br />. of his costs because he can charge the property owner to the south for connection to the road. He <br />then explained that the approval for Phase III requires that the final plat be recorded within 60 <br />days so that approval is back on the table and the City will require that the reserve strip be <br />removed. <br /> <br />50f6 <br />