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<br />. - <br /> <br />MflR-26-2fa02 15: es <br /> <br />CITY OF LIND LAKES <br /> <br />651 982 2499 P.04/05 <br /> <br />ConsfderIng the comprehensfve public testimony given over the pest two weeks, the Anoka <br />County Parks and Recreatfon Department Js formally recommending that the CIty of Uno Lakes <br />and the CIty of Centervllle consider adopting AlternatIVe #1, In which places the "SIew/No Wake <br />Zone" boundary fine straIght aaoss the lake along the section line (refer to the legal description <br />above). If alternatIVe '1 Is unacceptable to the CIty Counals, the County's second choice <br />WOUld be altematlve #2, and the County's third choice would be alternatIVe 13. <br />If the proposed "S1owlNo Wake ZOne" ordfnance Is ildopted, the Anoka County Parks and <br />RecreatIon Department WIll canduct I survey of the "Slow/No Wake ZOne" boundary, piece <br />pemti!nent sulWY points on the Island end an each shoreline, provide buoy placement, <br />maintenance, and removal and will also place a sign at the public iccess illustrating the area of <br />the "Slow/No Wake Zone". A minimum number of buoys would be placed to effectively <br />delIneate the "'SIawINa W-'<e Zone". <br />Thank you for conslderfng Anoka County's recommendation pertalnl~ tathe most safe, <br />effective, and functJanal placement at ~ proposed "Stow/NO Wake Zone boundary Une on the <br />north end of PeltIer Lake. If you any questions on the above recommendation, please contad: <br />Jeff Perry at (763) 767-2896 or It jeff'.D8I1' . <br />Sincerely, <br /> <br />Jeff Parry <br />Natural Resources Specialist <br />Anoka County Parks and Recreation Department <br /> <br />cc: CommJ.tsfoner Margaret Langfeld, Moka Board of COmmissioners <br />John VonDeUnde, Dlred:cr of Plrks and Recreation, Anoki COUnty <br />Unda WIlt! Smith, Uno Lakes CIty AdmlnJstratar <br />KIm Moore-Sykes, Centervllle CIty AdmInistrator <br />