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<br />AFR-eI3-2002 10: 44 <br /> <br />GAMEL ING WlTROL BOFIRD <br /> <br />6516394043 P. 02102 <br /> <br />MirADesOta Gamblihg Control ~d . <br />GAMIN'G', 'NEWS <br /> <br />VoL 12, No.4 <br />April1'" ' <br /> <br />,~', <br /> <br />.~.( <br /> <br /> <br />.', . <br /> <br />M~e from ~ Executive 'DIrector <br />Barry W.. Baltzer <br /> <br />The GsnihUna COnttOl B08Id recently tt.CCivcd a letter ~ CODCCtD. that <br />, ..l some oqauizatiOJ3i'auempt8d'to ~ spead pmblm, prQCeeds OIl _ <br />Impemdaib!~ pupoieS by ~ Foceeds to a clty, _ 1heJ1 askh1g the <br />c!1iY m ~tb.c:m.onay away to SODID omity other dum tho dty _is choIcm by the <br />orguf~()1'l. Some orpni'~' have ,~ pmmfsed. a contt1but1oJ1 to an <br />~Mt{ reCip1tmt ram! told the fme:nded .IeCip1em 1bat it wiD. nsceive the money <br />from the city. and ~ dlo qposecl recip_ has 'ODe to th6 ci1:y nasum to <br />collect 1I1e colltr1bi1tion. ' <br />'nie ,Gamblhlg CO$tOI Board. exaforces the laws pert.aiIdug to hrwibl pmbJing. <br />mmndf"S the l'eItJicticDS on expeudit\2re8 of prceeeda from lawful puab1iDs. 'I'he <br />la.w& ~ to la1riJ1 pmblinB conducted by AOOploiit ~nnJl do not <br />, sUow an ~ to vobJ8Wi1y CODJrl'bute fundi to a city merely for 1he <br />purpose of1l1c cir.y men &WJq,l12c flmds 10 some od1er, tbird-pu:ey recipient to <br />:whom $e orpnt~ coa.1d not 11ave ~.1hc fD.ndB dh'cctty. This Js <br />refl~ In Ihe plain ~ Of the applicable sta.1utes. <br />~ Statu.tcs, sec:tioD ~,lS,nbdivisiOD 1(1.994), din:cts that M[g]ross <br />profits from.1awfa1 ~ maybe ~f!!d_1W lAWful pnqiOMI or.llllsm:: <br />, 1It\lA l'!lIiPenIaI" (~"lHd. adClec!)~ the rmms uallowable ElIplJ1Ie" lDI.d "lawfaJ <br />, purpose" are bol:h apecificaIy, defiud by ataUUe. In aeneral.a11owable expenses <br />an expenses that arc dh'ccd.y related to tho oomiucr of lawful ga:m.b1Dla; and <br />1awfa1 pmposc fa ID1 of the 14 spedfic purposes for whlch d1c Jegis1ature has <br />, authorized the use of aamb1i1fa,prcceed$. See MUm. Stat. 1349.12. mhds. 38 <br />(1994) (defiaitio.u of allowabJt etpenae), I11d 8Ubd. 2S (1994) (~~mtiolJ. 01 law- <br />tbl "). '1'hesct piovidmm pIaiDlyreflect the1ap1atura'1I intent to carefoD.y <br />, ~per:milsibJe ~ of sambliDa procIileds ami to allow 1awtaI purpose <br />, ~ 01\11 as e.xprasly am1lorJDd i# d1e 14 CDgOJiea. . <br />!be relevd cateIOr.Y oflawfal pmpose e&peII.d.itIml bI:n is ". COD1J'ihntlftD. to the <br />UDfte4 States, 1fd& S1DtB [of~l or lIlY db po1II:IcallUbdMsloDs, or any <br />ap:ocy or ~nta1ity 'I:11orclot ot1:Htt them . direct comribution to a law <br />caforc:8m.em orprosecutDrla1. 'qency. · MlmL Stat . 349.121 8lIbd. 25(10) (1994). <br />See alIo.Mbm. Ru1es9 pt. 7861.0120. sobp. ':SC(1S) (199S) (vohmrary lawful <br />, pmpose conti'ibutioa to a 10Ml,_ of.~ maIIIt be documeared an Board <br />form md aaaclIIId to mDJ11l:Ily Sc1uldIiIe C zepoIt). T.bts cateaOtY of lawiW. pur- <br />, . pose '~l!l ~ OtpIIizatkms,to cxmtriI:nlta pmhliDs proceedJ to a <br />,city. w.b1e1i ~ a po1it!Ca1.subdivision of tile &tate. T.I1o pIam meaaIa&J of this proy!- . <br />lion reflects the lqis1aUue'. fmIm ltiat.a coDI:tJralion to a ~ eIL1ity is <br />for the pmpotlIl.of D'ieetIDs d1e fI~ialneeda rrl the aM/& ....~ ;vtltf to whnm <br />It Wll!I mntribttted. <br /> <br />\ <br />" <br /> <br />'I'hns. in Jiibt of both tbe l!IrU:t. ovcta!l Hmita OJ/. lawful pmpose ~di1l1teS. <br />and'the pWn lanJmae of ~ provisii:m""the lawful ,mpose categOry <br />pertai1;btg to a vo11mtUy ~J:ltl:jbl1ti!.m to a 1oca1 mdt' of 8~ ~ <<6GB., <br />'tiOll may Dot mike 4]1Wful purpoac eOD.tL'ibu.tion 10 a city sc!ely :fur the purpose of <br />the city then SMq the comrlbution, away to another pmy de$ipuld by the <br />orgJml7.Jltloo. Such an approach may also ccmflkt with other lawB pm~ to <br />how e. c!t:i may spend its pubIic'fimds. <br /> <br />TOTAL P. 212 <br />