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<br /> <br />Jul.31. 2002~ 3:22PM ANOKA COUNTY <br />~~ WIIIIt Dose .-.... "'...BIIIIl8P <br />~ .. CoIIteIllIlllelul7 <br />.... <br />l'oIt--.- _tlm1ll8lrlWhs ~tt.arIJImIl <br />pII1pOIIJ lID4 ba 1malI iIlIplItIltd ffom dul W111Ce tIlMIQ or <br />~ IlIhDols lIIIlIlItIustll blI~ l>I-sn.......... <br />lIIIIade1tslZlllU1tam IIlIIllpI left Mf dlIrIaa a tIlI"'Rfo.m.. <br />PfOC8ll8. BIlIl)'IIlmI prodDals 11IO typl.IIIIIIymade hma 1Dlllturo at <br />ptlI!-llII1lllll1lel' 1104 Jir"'-CCdllllItlel'lIIaterIal-liIu Ole I'tCJaW pIuIfI) <br />II-.h\ tlIo pak. <br />WJum)VII q IIdap, Iaak J1J\ lWlfDMraJ/II <br />tlw 1IbtJa 1IiAt tell yollltlllt 'cP~RllIM7I.BD <br />pl.'lIdu.lltGlllWdu~ ---_ <br />0llaIIlat. <br /> <br />~ WIly.. Raolll"""" <br />~ ...... M ~ welleecl to 0Mte 8 4IiIlIIlI:Ild lGrpaat. <br />0lIlI8IIIUr~ pradmaIz. <br />~ df484y cfoiI$ aI. uoe11tW job ofooD.otla; <br />llIlItadUs SJJIIlO)'lJIIDs m'" _1&ItIWIde rIID)'lIlIas llIIlIolldO!I <br />IlItIl Wll81bo bes& III the oa1Joa.rot tkt last hvo )'IllDIt! D.1i IIBa <br />ImpcRtat. 11_. to 0llI1II4er '\Wlltbappllb1 tIl tlI6 ~'WO <br />,.. tb oub GI' It 10ml drvp4'sItas. <br />TIIose 1'IOyGla\!Ies lID IIIIId (0 lIIIIIIIdIIllIIInIBwho makt 'dltm <br />bIto lIlIW pradDals,lIICIlaa ~ &J'IlIltIna oaraa. au4ta <br />liaciD& pJaa.iD taI:deB._tba IIlll pes OJ! ad OIL <br />WIl.eIrwe bIIJ tllOyOle4 iIcai, waW)l..... noJlllIq <br />Ioap." Wa aIaD 1uIIp IltV8Il11e1V ,114 pr8IIIcID8l.1t'l1ll'al n8lllWM. <br />AmI tIDdy, Wo1a4uo tbo I!D>>UIIt af'WI&lo 1IIat 1svr-a4 -* 1be <br />EJk l\iftr a-- ~ 17avlllty R ImdSlIaL <br /> <br />~~ <br /> <br />.-- <br /> <br />-- <br /> <br />-.. <br /> <br />Lel'aPlav No.0104 P.2 <br />.. ........----..... <br />... " <br />. . <br />~ Heqcled lIDlldnp! ~ <br />\ " <br />'- ..- <br />~.....III.... <br /> <br />!IpIIl! IIIlIdIqIIs a JPIII1t WIly fhr 1DU tD apJma Lake 0Iatp <br />....M tlIIdwial.ht_ <br />o FoIIaw tho lIIap beIaw to tluslllDlillcnd !aaItIaus fa&iU die <br />lWJOiqIopa. G e.. . <br />o Ow ]'OlI'1'll dtbolooa&ioll, ItJok Iht die oijoGtlll8R &am <br />tIllIJG/a1l11121lri11B. 'l1Io ri&'bt ~ wi1Ilmo I DIljIfeilIlllllliDp <br />. _by!&. <br /> <br />o Look 1br &he 1atge.1eI' UIL Wi .. <br /> <br /><::) 'Wl:ito IhBl Itltch\ lb coznlIPoa_1lpOl at I1w bDttam of <br />thlaJll&'. <br /> <br />o WIIIlIa)'Ol& haw lbuud all ofiho objoots a1cIlIa.... flJIarIla all <br />oft!loleuers~. 8""word wm applf. <br /> <br />o Tdc)'Ul!r GIIII!PlIt"IIb; !he GCnICllllilIkm IlIaluIIIDI1 <br />ftCllIVe . tee prlzeI <br /> <br />PlauepJaathe lllttan &am tIuI..llI1ImIsip ia 1b <br />~ BfOP 1le'Iow" tIrul tI1a~woqI, <br /> <br />____ 0__- <br />'I a 3 .. B . '7 <br />