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<br />create a small mound of soil. Break away the soli from the root ball to <br />loosen the roots. Place the plant in the hole and bury (Rgure 2) Rrmly <br />press the soil around the plant then water throughly. It is important to <br />remember to soak the plants after installation. Poorly water plants wfl/ <br />not establish quickly or can even die if not watered properly. This is <br />especially important on well drained sites. During the first season, your <br />plants might need a little watering once a week If It does not rain. A good <br />soaking once a week ( a sprlnklerin the garden for an hour) will assist in <br />the development of the plants. <br /> <br />· Trees and shrubs should be installed using similar methods as described <br />above. Remember, plants wfl/ establish quicker In a large planting hole. <br />The hole should not be too deep, but it should be at least two times as <br />wide as the root ball. The hole should be shaped like a saucer, not as <br />deep around the edges (Figure 3). After you plant your woody species, <br />carefully fill in the hole. Add no more than 25 percent compost or backfill to the soil and water as you <br />fill in the excavation. This will settle the soil, eliminate air pockets, and provides enough water to . <br />stimulate plant growth. During the rest of the summer, the plants will need to be checked often and <br />watered when necessary. However, avoid over watering because you can drown the plant roots. A <br />useful me,asure Is to sick your finger about 2 inches Into the soli, if they are dry water the tree or shrub <br />thoroughly. <br /> <br />· Trees and shrubs can be purchased as bareroot, balled and bur lapped (B&B), potted, packaged orpeat <br />balled (Figure 4). Bareroot plants tend to be less expensive than the other types of stocks and can make <br />your project more affordable. However, precaution must be exercised when using bareroot trees and <br />shrubs. Bareroot plants have had the soli washed from the roots after being excavated Since there is <br />no soli to keep the roots moist, the roots can dry out very quickly. They needed to be stored ina cool, <br />moist location, and roots covered in saw dust, damp stra'fv, soil, or wet burlap when holding them on-site <br />for planting. They are sold in the spring when dormant and must be planted before they leaf out and <br />while temperatures are still m.oderate. <br /> <br />Figure 3 <br /> <br /> <br />Figure 2 <br /> <br /> <br />.......:: ....:.. <br /> <br /> <br />Figure 4 -. <br /> <br /> <br />tJ 3 <br /> <br /> <br />Balled & <br />Burlapped <br /> <br />Peat <br />Bailed <br /> <br />Container Packaged Bareroot <br /> <br />Seeding <br />The major advantages to seeding your garden is that it is less expensive than installing plants and does <br />not require as much labor. However, the garden will take more time to establish itself. It will take about <br />three years for the Rain Garden plants to become established. By installing plants, you will have fully <br />functioning Rain Garden by the first season. <br /> <br />· Begin by tilling up the area that you have prepared (see eliminating turf on page 13). Make sure area Is <br />clear of roots from perennial weeds. Seed can be planted from early May to mid July. Forthe best results, <br />plant from mid May to mid June. The use of moist stratified forb seed will improve geiminatlon during the <br />springtime. Ask the nursery or garden center for assistance In determining the best planting conditions <br />for each particular species when purchasing your forb seed. If the forb seed Is sown untreated, it may <br />not germinate until the following spring. Most grass species do not need to be moist stratified and <br />can be planted with excellent results during the springtime. <br /> <br />· Fall planting in our area is from mid October to mid November. Native grass sown ear/Jerthan October <br />may germinate if the weather Is unseasonably warm. If this occurs, the seedling may germinate and be <br />destroyed by the colder weather. It Is important not to plant too early in the fall. The major advantage of <br />a fall planting is the high percentage of forb germination. The "winter overing" of fall planted seed helps <br />break down the inhibitors to the seeds germination and the native plants that require cool soil <br />temperatures will also be favored. <br /> <br />l' <br />