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<br />I <br />I <br />r ". <br /> <br />o <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />l : <br /> <br />I i <br /> <br />,-: <br /> <br />r _; <br /> <br />: I <br /> <br />I ., <br />, I <br />I' <br /> <br />I I <br />I 1 <br /> <br />r" <br /> <br />I J <br /> <br />II <br /> <br />I~~ <br /> <br />r- <br />" I <br /> <br />1 <br />: i <br /> <br />I !_.1 <br />i <br /> <br />p <br /> <br />REDATORY OFFENDER REGISTRY <br /> <br />0ffJcer Aron Sandmann <br />0Hlcer BJDJacobson <br /> <br />The Predatory Offender Registry (POR) is mA1ntained by the Minnesota Bureau of <br />Criminal Apprehension (DCA). The registry was created to monitor predatory <br />offenders in the state of Minnesota. Predatory offenders are placed into categories <br />rer~Hed to by the DCA as Level I, Level n, and Level m. Level I offenders are <br />considered least Hkely to re-offend. Level m offenders are considered most likely to <br />re-offend. <br /> <br />The Centennial Lakes Police ~ monitors the individuals residing within <br />Centerville, Circle Pines, and Lexington who are listed on the Predatory Offender <br />Registry. The list of registered predatory offenders residing in our conllllnnities is <br />updated monthly by the CentemI;.u Lakes Police Department. This number is fluid as <br />offiDlers are constantly moving in and out of our cities. At any given time there are <br />normally around twenty-five offenders residing within the three cities. <br /> <br />In addition to monthly updates, officers made four contacts during 2006 with each <br />ot1im.der at their registered address to verifY that the otren.ders were in compliance <br />with the state's ~ requ.irem1Ql". <br /> <br />The Centennial Lakes Police Depadment will continue to keep a current list of the <br />predatory otrenders living in our jurisdiction and continue to make contact with the <br />offenders at their registered addresses to verifY that the otrenders are compliant. <br /> <br />29 <br />