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<br />- ------- - - - - -- - - -- - - - --- - - .....-----.- -. <br /> <br />I I <br /> <br />- <br />o I <br />, ; <br /> <br />'L ! <br /> <br />I 0 <br />.J <br /> <br />'.- <br /> <br />I I <br /> <br />~ . _I <br /> <br />! <br />: _: <br /> <br />- I <br /> <br />i '-. <br />I ' I <br /> <br />l_ <br /> <br />I -I <br /> <br />I . <br />I <br /> <br />I ! <br /> <br />o t. <br /> <br />1 ! : <br />Li <br /> <br />I. ! <br /> <br />[! <br /> <br />,.. <br />j <br /> <br />'__I <br /> <br />I~ <br />J <br /> <br />,-- <br />, 1 <br /> <br />T RAINING <br /> <br />Ser1JeantPat Aldrich <br /> <br />Providing high quality and cost-effective training ibr the Centennial Lakes Police <br />personnel COllI im. to be a high priority in 2006. Professional training benefits tho <br />officers, the dq.1tment, and tho comnnmmes in which we servo. The dcpwtwdlt <br />benefits by having well-trained police'officers.,g department liability. The <br />comniunities also realize the be.d.efits of havmg officers who have a well-rounded <br />base oflmowledge and experience in a variety of areas. <br /> <br />The Minnesota State Peace Officers Standards and Tndning Board (p.O.S.T.) and tho <br />tedera1 government, through the Occupational Sa:lbty and Health Administration <br />(OSHA), continue to place additiooal training mATH'1atea on law entbrcement. Our <br />department eontinueR to identify and use its resources to acoompIish compliance with <br />these standards. <br /> <br />During 2006 officers continued to utilize "daily training". During each duty shift <br />officers are required to oomp1ete a topic assigned fortbat day. Most of tho scheduled <br />training topics oould be considered "high riskIlow fioequency" events. This trabrlng <br />allows ofticers to reftesh their knowledp and review proper procedures to be <br />Pl~ed fur inftequent events. Many mmutstfed inibrmation requirements are <br />oovered with the daily training program. With this program we wntinue to add <br />additional topics IS OUT legislators continue to pass laws that are extremely <br />oompHcated, l1tJ1lroded, and have very little guidance reganling proper criminal <br />procedure 1br officers to ibllow. <br /> <br />The ib110wing is a list ofmsmdatecJ topics and professional training OOUTSeS attended <br />by OUT officers during 2006: <br /> <br />LEGAL <br /> <br />County Attorney Update <br />Media Relations <br /> <br />DWI & Traffic Safety Laws <br />City Attorney Update <br /> <br />USE OF FORCE <br /> <br />Anoka County Gamma Shoot <br />SMG FamiliarizatkmlRn <br />Anoka County Night Shoot <br />Summer Shoot <br />Tascd RecertiJ1cation <br />Tascdl FamiHarization and Deployment <br />IDstractDr Development <br /> <br />Active Shooter <br />SMG Shoot <br /> on <br />Use of Force Recertification <br />Use afForce Instructor <br />Glock Armorer <br />Fh'Mms R~ti6cation <br /> <br />- <br />i <br /> <br />32 <br />