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<br />--~--~-----'- <br /> <br />Patks " Recreation Qmunittee <br />Meeting MinuteS June 26, 2007 <br /> <br />to council at this time beca11!ile of the additional work that would be required of City Staff, the <br />liability the City would have to assume and the difficulty of enforcement <br /> <br />Motion was made by ChairperSOD Seeley, secoDded by V'JCe-C)aairpenOD Amundsen to <br />table this item until a futIIre date. AD in favor. MotioD carried v'Dt1IniMously. <br /> <br />National Nit!ht Out at WddeD Surin.r Park <br /> <br />At the June 6, 2007 Parks " Recreation Committee meeting it was suggested by a representative <br />of the Centennial Lakes Police Department to. hold a National Night Out event at the park <br />assj!ding communication between the LiDo Lakes Police, CenteJl11ial Lakes Police and <br />neighboring residents. <br /> <br />The committee felt this was a great idea and would like to send invitations to aU residents on <br />LaMotte Drive, as well as adding an announcement of the event in the utility billing and/or the <br />City Nm-. The eveut will be at Hidden SpriDg Pad< ftom 7 10 8 p.m. on Augusl7. 2007. <br />ChairpersOO Seeley will talk to representatives of both Police Depa.itments. The committee <br />would like to provide lemonade. <br /> <br />MotioD was made by Viee-ChaiJ'penoD Amundsen, secoDded by Committee Member <br />Selander to reeoJDIDeDd City Council authorize staff to mail invitatioJua for a National Night <br />Out EvRt to aD resideats OD LaMotte Drive, as weD as addial aD aDDouneemRt of the <br />eveDt in the utility biDing and/or the City Newsletter. The eollUllittee also requests funds <br />Dot to exeeed $SO to be used for postage, leIDonade and cups. AD in favor. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br /> <br />VI. UPDATES <br /> <br />0. .. COlD_V. Skate Board COlDnetitioD Revim <br /> <br />The committee felt this event was successful, was well attended and handled professionally by <br />Ollie" Company Staff, and would be happy to have Ollie &. Company back for another event. <br /> <br />vm. ADJOURNMENT <br /> <br />Motion was made by V'...cJWrpe1'SOD AmundseD, seconded by COlPmittee Member <br />Mosher, to adjourn the JUDe 2{;, 2007 Parks .. ReereatioD CoJDJDittee MeetiDI at 8:45 P'" <br />All iD favor. Motion pas-- armnlmously. <br /> <br />Transcribed by Kim Stephan <br /> <br />6of6 <br /> <br />>-- <br />