<br />It is the goal of the City of Centerville to:
<br />. Expand the non-residential tax base.
<br />. Create additional living wage jobs.
<br />
<br />. Encourage clean and attractive industrial uses in the community.
<br />
<br />jndustrial DeveloDment Policies
<br />It is the policy of the City of Centerville to:
<br />. Focus on investments and development potential in the existing industrial park before
<br />
<br />establishing new industrial development areas.
<br />. Evaluate land availability and utility feasibility for long range expansion of the
<br />existing industtial park.
<br />. Evaluate TIF feasibility to expand transportation access and trunk utility
<br />networks to support existing and future industrial potential.
<br />. Establish uniform design standards to promote continuity between individual
<br />industrial uses and compatibility with non-industrial uses.
<br />. r~".j,*:+h. \ I:t "Ii 1 \ i standards for landscaping and screening to .,ensun;.adequate
<br />aesthetic controls.
<br />
<br />..I :,;10',1,11.'11, \L\lillillll adequate standards l()r !Jut!,lll i:' ,11 lei '1:1 "''',''
<br />
<br />site access, parking,
<br />
<br />maneuvering, Joading.,and structure setbacks.
<br />. Y;tahld" I II' standards for structure upkeep and site maintenance to ensure long,t:erm
<br />aesthetic controls.
<br />
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