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<br />DRAFT <br /> <br />transfer or sale request that is subject to this Section 10.5 shall not be <br />unreasonably withheld. <br /> <br />10.5.2 Any sale, transfer, exchange or assignment of stock in Grantee, or Grantee's <br />parent corporation or any other entity having a controlling interest in Grantec, so <br />as to create a new controlling interest therein, shall be subject to the requirements <br />of this Section 10.5. The term "controlling interest" as used herein is not limited <br />to majority stock ownership, but includes actual working control in whatever <br />manner exercised. <br /> <br />10.5.3 The Grantee shall tile, in addition to all documents, larms and information <br />required to be filed by applicable law, the following: <br /> <br /> All contracts, agreements or other documents that constitute the <br />proposed transaction and all exhibits, attachments or other documents <br />relerred to therein which are necessary in order to understand the <br />temlS thereof <br /> <br /> A list detailing aJl documents tiled with any state or federal agency <br />related to the transaction including, but not limited to, the MPlJC, the <br />fCC, the fTC, the FEC, the SEC or MnDOT. Upon request, Grantee <br />shall provide City with a complete copy of any such document; and <br /> <br /> Any othcr documents or infomlation related to the transaction as may <br />be specifically requested by the City or the Commission. <br /> <br />10,5.4 The City or its designee shall have such time as is permitted by federal law in <br />which to review a transfer request. <br /> <br />10.5.5 The Grantee shall reimburse the City and/or the Commission tar all the <br />reasonable legal, administrative, and consulting costs and fees associated with the <br />City's/Commission's reviewal' any request to transler. Nothing herein shall <br />prevent the Grantee from negotiating partial Or complete payment of such costs <br />and fees by the transleree. Grantee may not itemize any such reimbursement on <br />Subscriber bills, but may recover such expenses in its Subscriber rates. The <br />parties agree that any payments from the Grantee hereunder do not constitute and <br />are not part ofa Iranchise fee and fall within one or more of the exceptions to 47 <br />U.S.C. ~ 542. <br /> <br />10.5.6 In no event shall a sale. transfer, corporate change or assignment of ownership or <br />control pursuant to subsections 10.5.1 or 10.5.2 of this Section be approved <br />without the Grantee remaining, or (if other than the current Grantee) transferee <br /> <br />52 <br /> <br />fl1 <br />