Laserfiche WebLink
<br />DRAFT <br /> <br />age, status as to public assistance, afiectional prelerence or disability. Grantee shall <br />comply at all times with all other applicable federal. State and City laws. <br /> <br />11.2. Subscriber Privacv. <br /> <br />11.2.1 No signals, including signals of a Class IV Channel, may be transmittedlrom a <br />Subscriber terminal lor purposes of monitoring individual viewing patterns or <br />praL'tices without the express writLen permission of the Subscriber. Such written <br />permission shall be lor a limited period of time not to exceed one (I) year which <br />may be renewed at the option of the Subscriber. No penalty shall be invoked 101' a <br />Subscriber's failure to provide or renew sLlch authorization. The authorization <br />shall be revocable at any time by the Subscribcr without penalty of any kind <br />whatsocvcr. Such permission shall be required lor each type or classilication of <br />Class IV Channel activity planned for the purpose of monitoring individual <br />viewing patterns or practices. <br /> <br />11.2.2 No lists of the namcs and addresses of Subscribers or any lists that identify the <br />viewing habits of Subscribers shall be sold or otherwise made available to any <br />party other than to Grantee or its agents for Grantee's service business use or to <br />the City or the Commission for the purpose of Franchise administration, and also <br />to the Subscriber subject of that information, unless Grantee has received specilic <br />written authorization from tile Subscriber to make such data available. Such <br />written permission shall be for a limited period of time not to exceed one (1) year <br />which may be renewed at the option of the Subscriber. No penalty shall be <br />invoked for a Subscriber's failure to provide or renew such authorization. The <br />authorization shall be revocable at any time by the Subscriber without penalty of <br />any kind whatsoever. <br /> <br />11.2.3 Written permission from the Subscriber Sh'111 not be required for the conducting of <br />System wide or individually addressed electronie sweeps lor the purpose of <br />veriFying System integrity or monitoring for the purpose of billing. <br />Confidentiality of such information shall be subject to the provision set 10rth in <br />subsection 11.2.2. <br /> <br />SECTION 12. UNAUTHORIZED CONNECTIONS ANn MODIFICATIONS <br /> <br />12.1. Unauthorized Connections or Modifications Prohibited. <br /> <br />It shall be unlawful fot' any finn, Person, group, company, corporation or governmental <br />body or agency, w.ithout the express consent of the Grantee, to make or possess, or assist <br />anybody in making or possessing, any unauthorized connection, extension or division, <br />whether physically, acoustically, inductively. electronically or othelwise, with ot' to any <br /> <br />54 <br /> <br />eft <br />