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<br />DRAFT <br /> <br />employees or property, or the health, saiety and integrity of the public, the Rights-of- <br />Way, public propcrty or private property. <br /> <br />13.9 Governin!1 Law. <br /> <br />This Franchise shall be governed in all respects by the la\\s of the Statc of Minnesota. <br /> <br />13.10. CaDtions and References. <br /> <br />13.10.1 The captions and hcadings of seetions throughout this Franchise arc intended <br />solely to facilitate reading and reference to the sections and provisions of this <br />r:ranchise. Such captions shall not at1ecllhe meaning or inteqJrelation of this <br />Franchisc. <br /> <br />13.10.2 When any provISion 01' the Cily Code is expressly mentioned herein. such <br />reference shall not be construed to limit the applicability of any other provision <br />ofthe City Code that may also govern the particular matter in question. <br /> <br />13.11. Ri!1hts of Third Parties. <br /> <br />This Franchise is not intcnded to, and shall not be construed to, grant any rigbts to or vest <br />any rights in third parties, unless expressly provided herein. <br /> <br />13.12. Men!er of Documents. <br /> <br />This Franchise, and the attachments hereto, constitute the entire Franchise agreement <br />between the City and the Gmntee, and supersede all prior oral or written franchises, dralls <br />and understandings. <br /> <br />SECTION 14. PUBLICATION EFFECTIVE UATE; ACO:i"fANCE AND EXHIBITS <br /> <br />/4. / Publication. <br /> <br />This Franchise shall be published il1llccordance with applicable local and Minnesota law. <br /> <br />14.2 Acceotance. <br /> <br />14.2.1 Grantee shall accept this pranchise within sixty (60) days of its enactment by the <br />City Council and the enactment of a I'ranchise on substantillIly similar terms hy <br />the other member municipalities of the Commission, unless the time for <br />acceptance is extended by the City. Such acceptance by the Grantee shall be <br /> <br />58 <br /> <br />93 <br />