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<br />Metropolitan Council- Regional Solicitation ofFedera1 Transportation Projects <br /> <br />Page lof2 <br /> <br /> <br />Transportation Planning <br /> <br />Regional Solicitation of Federal Transportation. Projects <br /> <br />2007 Solicitation" - October 18, 2007 <br /> <br />- Preliminary Scores Now Available - <br /> <br />The. regional solicitation process selects projects or programs to be funded by the <br />Surface Transportation Program (STP), the Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality <br />Improvement Program (CMAQ), the Transportation Enhancements program (TEP) as <br />well as the Bridge Improvement or Replacement Program (BIR) of TItle I of the Safe <br />Accountable Flexible Efflclent Transportation Equity Act - A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA- <br />LU). <br /> <br />The Transportation Advisory Board and Metropolitan Council will award approximately <br />$80 million from the STP-Urban Guarantee program, $50 million from the CMAQ <br />program and $15 million from the TEP to projects and programs In the seven-county <br />metropolitan a"rea.. The local Bridge Improvement or Replacement program wlllciward <br />approximately $9 million. These funds will be allocated to the region In 2011 and <br />2012. The amount of funds available In these progralT'lS is based onthe funding levels <br />establ,lshed by SAFETEA-LU. Prior to selecting projects, the funding level will be <br />reviewed to ensure fiscal balance of the Transportation Improvement Program. <br /> <br />The selected projects and programs will be programmed for construction or <br />Implementation in 2011 and 2012 as part of the region's Transportation Improvement <br />Program (TIP) for 2009-2012. The 2009-2012 TIP will be drafted In March 2008 and <br />adopted by the TAB In September 2008. Notification of applicants "to proceed" by <br />MnDOT State Aid Is anticipated to occur In Novemb~r or December of 2008. However, <br />applicants are encouraged to contact State Aid to begin project development as soon as <br />they are ready to do so. <br /> <br />For Information concemlng the regional solicitation contact: <br /> <br />, . James Andrew at 651-602-1721 or, <br />. Kevin Roggenbuck at 651-602-1728,, or <br />. Carl Ohm at 651-602-1719. <br /> <br />http://VfWW.metroco.uncil.orglplanning/transportation/RegSolicitl2007/about.htm <br /> <br />10/23/2007, <br />