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<br />SOREL'S <br /> <br />!:i ~~ <br />~ <br />It <br />J..:. <br />o <br />(j <br />{:, <br />:~ <br />: "-...; :J' <br />. '.J ~... ......" <br />:'!;j ,,,- <br />,<:) , <br />:' i; 'J <br />:' /::J <br />: ~ <br />: ~ <br />: :\ <br />: ~ <br />~ <br />'<: <br /> <br />--- --- <br />0\0\ <br />.... (;::(;:: <br />"'''' <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />,,' ,,' <br />/J:; ::,.'::,.' <br />(:;'(:;' <br />~ ~'~' <br /> <br />(... 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CENTERVILLE, <br />IS ASSUMED TO BE^R N ag"24"SO"E. <br /> <br />END <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />r; <br /> <br />v <br /> <br />-------- <br />~~---.)r: <br /> <br />----166,91----- <br />5 69'24'51"W <br /> <br />,) <br /> <br />'r <br /> <br />f'j <br /> <br />I <br />1 <br />\ <br /> <br />DRAINAGE AND UTILiTY EASEMENTS <br />ARE SHOWN THUS, <br />I NO SCALE I <br /> <br />o <br />L <br /> <br />I I <br />s~ <br /> <br />I Ls 0 <br />~L-.I <br /> <br />BEING 10 FEET tN WIDTH AND ADJOINING RIGHT OF WAY LINES <br />AND BEING 5 FEET IN WIDTH ^ND ADJOINING LOT LINES, <br />UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN OR NOT SHOWN ON THE PLAT. <br /> <br />KURTH SURVEYING, INC, <br />4002 JEFFERSON ST. N.E. <br />COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. MN 55421 <br />PHOi'E:(763) 788-9769 r AX:(763) 788-7602 <br /> <br />~; ,-, <br /> <br />(' <br />,) <br /> <br />N 89'24'50"E <br />-----229,21 ----- <br /> <br />...----42,29---- <br />~ <br /> <br />': , <br /> <br />/ <br /> <br />I ~/ <br />,0'5/ / <br />1 ....Avq"l / <br />/ / <br />L .(j~,~2-,~,:,,:,,-----/.\... / /~ L / -- <br /> <br />.~/ ;" Sd9'24'50"W <br />I ....CI,/~ '" lM,52 <br />b-' /'1.0 / - - - - - <br />-y" S89'S9'18"W _--200.41--- <br />-"' s /_ _- <br />- 0 0 <br /> <br />'" <br />"I <br />-r <br />I <br />~ <br /> <br />~ ! ~ <br /> <br />/1 <br />I <br />\ <br />\ <br />==-=J- <br />'" <br /> <br />j-. <br /> <br />'J" <br /> <br />'J" <br /> <br />J 2!!:.. 06 <br /> <br />, . <br />d. <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />:} <br /> <br />'" <br /> <br />5 ,- - - <br />\ <br />l~ <br />o <br />'-O~ <br />>0_ <br />~~ <br />"'- <br />o <br /> <br />- - - - 1 20, 00 <br />5 89'24'50"W <br /> <br />I <br />\ <br />\ <br />_ J5 <br /> <br />II: <br /> <br />{f)~ <br /> <br />,", <br /> <br />-r <br />, <br /> <br />" <br />r <br /> <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />'" <br /> <br />------'-.- - <br />, <br /> <br />,'" <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />, , <br />" " <br /> <br />." <br />. , <br /> <br />; I.} <br /> <br />" <br />',,~ ..... <br /> <br />'" <br /> <br />/ <br />/ <br /> <br />\ <br />\ <br />, <br />I <br /> <br />20 <br /> <br />iO'" <br />~~ <br /> <br />a <br />a <br />" <br />'" <br /> <br />20 <br /> <br />'" <br /> <br />o <br />o <br /> <br />20 \ <br />--'0 <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />'" <br />'< <br /> <br />20 <br /> <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />I <br />-J- <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />\ <br /> <br />I, Ra~d)' L. Kllnh, do hereby_cendy Ihot I hove l\lr!eyed ond,p'lolled the properly'.described on thi~ plaT os <br />SOREL SEND, IhaT Ihll pial II 0 correCl represenlatlon of laid' lurYey; ThaT a~1 allronc,u ore cor~ecllr .ho.n <br />in fut l?nd hllndredlh, or a foot; Ihol 011 monumenl~ lill be correctly placed In Ihe ground os de~lgnoled; Ihol <br />~~lb~II~~~1;n~~~dd~~~e~i~h~no~~ ~h~:~clly .holn on the plot; and that there are nO u'l lo/)d, or p~blJC highla)'J <br /> <br />~i~ ~ ,. ~; /'L i ~~~ ~ ~oN~. S2027bor <br /> <br />STATE OF MINNESOT^ I <br />COUNTY OF I 5ANT I I <br />r"'e foregoing SYrYeyorl certificafe rOI o~knolledged belore Ill. Ihis _ day or <br />200 _ , by Randy l. KlIrlh, Minnesola license No. 20270 <br /> <br />Koren J. Ku~ t h <br />Notary ~ub! ie;, honl i Counly, Minnesolo <br />My COllllllsllon Expires Jalluary 31,2010 <br />Thia plat of,SOREl.S END, las opproyed and accepted by the City CounCil of Ihe City of CenterYllle, Mlnnesola, 01 0 <br />re911!Q~ lrIeetrng thereol held d'll ~ day of ,200 _ If applicable. <br />Ihe Irlllen commenll and recommendOllonl of lhe COllml"loner of irOnspOrlatlOn and Ihe Co~nth Hlg"'IOY Engineer haye <br />~:~~m;:~d~:~~n~: ~~ep~~~rd~d ~;eM~~~=~~;~e~I~?u~~LPs:~~10~a505~gre~ub~:~~~~0~e2~ipl or IIlC couenh and <br /> <br />Mayor <br />Checked and approved Ihi, _ day of <br /> <br />Clerk <br /> <br />,200_ <br /> <br />^noka Co~nly Surveyor <br /> <br />~ <br />o <br />co., <br /> <br />0.,--- <br /> <br />o <br />if) <br /> <br />CITY OF CENTERVILLE <br />COUNTY OF ANOKA <br />SEC. 23, T.31, T.22 <br /> <br />KNOW ^LL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS; That Llyod Norman Hansen ond Dione Koy Hansen, husband and "ife, ouers alld <br />proprietor 01 the following deseribed properly. ,iluoted il'l t"'e COllnt)' of Anoka. Slole 01 Minnesota, to wit: <br /> <br />All thaI port of Ihe rolloling described property lying nonh of "line A" 10 be hereinorler described: <br /> <br />,; <br /> <br />Allor LoIs 7 ond 6. Block 12, CENTERVILlE, ^noka County, Minnesota <br />^nd Ih01 port of Lol 9, Block 12, CENTERVILLE, lying leslerly of the West line of the East 120.00 feet <br />And all of yocoted "Second Street" lyill9 betleen ,aid Bloc~ 12 and Block 13; lying ,0IlTt, of the North <br />line of said Blocks 12 ol'ld 13, being Ihe sOlJe os the Soulh line os 'Sorel Slreet"; and lying nonh of <br />1he line con!l8cling ,he Southeosl corner of lot -4,soid Block 13, liln Ihe Soulh'esl corner 01 said <br />Lot 9, Slack 12, all in laid CENTERVJllE. <br />And LoiS, said Block 13, CENTERVILLE. <br />And lols 4 and 6, said Block 13, CENTERVIllE; EJCepT ing frolll said Lots 4 and 6 that port Ihereof knoln <br />known os Ihe .Weslerly 20 feef Ihereof nOI" taken by the City of Saint Paul for Waler righls", The <br />Easlerly line of said "Weslerly 20 reel lhereof" is 10 be hereorler described os "Line B" for lhe <br />purposes of I"i s descr ipt ion. <br /> <br />Soid "Line "" being described os Commencing 01 lhe Norlheost corner of said Lot 7, Block 12; lhence south along <br />Ihe Eo:!.1 line of said Lot 7 for 0 distance of 71.50 fee' 10 lhe acluol poinl of beginning or said "line ".; <br />Ihence South 89 degrees 59 minutes 18 seconds West ror a dislonce of 200.41 feet; thence North 67 degrees <br />48 minllles 33 seconds West for 0 distance of 52.88, lIore or leu, 10 intersect l/-'e aboYe described "Line S" <br />and 'here termino1ing. <br />Said south line of Sorel Streel is assumed 10 bear due East and Wesl. <br /> <br />A,d <br /> <br />f; <br /> <br />Thai Uyod Erick Ooyid Mennoll and Lynoe Marie Marshall, husband ond wife, OW/len, and CoUnlty.ide Mortgage, <br />o MinneSOTa corperotion, 1Il0ngogee, of the described property. ,iluoled in Ihe County of Anoka, <br />Stele of Minnesota, 10 wi I: <br /> <br />All Ihal port or Ihe rolloling described prope-rly lying sOlllh of "Line- A" to be here-inorler described. <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />11I1 of lols 7 and 8, Block 12. CEN1ERVILlE, ^noke COllnty, Minnesota. <br />"nd that port of lol 9, Block 12, CENTERVIllE, lying lesterly of lhe West lif'le of Ihe Eosl 120.00 feet, <br />"nd 011 of vocol&d 'Secof\d Street" lying betl"een said Block 12 and B!ock 13; !yi/)g ,o~,h of Ihe Nor1h <br />line of said Bloch 12 and 13, being the some os the Soulh line as "Sorel Stteel.; and lying norlh of <br />Ihe line connecling Ihe SOlltheast corner of lot 4,said BI(!ck 13, .ith Ihe South"esl corner of said <br />lol 9, Block 12, 0/ I ill said CENTERVILlE. <br />"nd lot 5, said Block 13, CENTERVILLE. <br />"nd LoIs 4 and 6, laid Block 13, CENTERVILLE; Excepting from said Lots 4 ond 6 1nal port fhereof knou <br />known os the .We31er!y 20 feet Ihereof no", token by the City of Saint Paul for Woler righls". The <br />Easterly line of said "Weslerly 20 feel lhereof" i$ 10 be hereafter described os "Line B" ror Ihe <br />purposes of Ihis deuriplion. <br /> <br />Soid "line A" being described 0$ Commencing 01 Ihe NorlheosI corner of said lol 7, Block 12; thence soulh along <br />Ihe East line of laid lor 7 for 0 distance of 71.50 Feet to the ocl~oJ pDint of beginning of said -line A"; <br />Ihence Soulh 89 degrees 59 lIIinules 18 secof'lds West for 0 distance of 200.-41 feel; thence North 67 degrees <br />48 min~le~ 33 seconds West for a distance or 52.88, IIlore or less, 10 inter~ecl the obaye described "lfne B. <br />and there lerminatinlj. <br />Said south line or Sorel SlreeT ;~ assumed 10 bear d~e Eosl and WeaT, <br /> <br />Hove caused Ihe some to be ,~r.,eyed and plotled 0$ SOREL'S END, ond do hereby donale and dflodicole to the public, <br />ror public IIse foreyer, the drainage and II1ili1y Qasement os shown on Ihe pIal <br /> <br />In lilne" _hereof said Llyod Norman Hansen and Dione Kay Hansen, hllsbond and life, hove herellnla ~et their hands <br />Ihis _ day of 200_ <br /> <br />Llyod Norman Honsen <br /> <br />Dione Ko)' Hansen <br /> <br />ST^TE OF MINNESOT^ <br />COUNTY OF I <br />The foregoing inslr~lIIent 10S oe;knowledged before me thit _ day of <br />by llyod Norman Hansen and Dione Kay Hansen. hllsband af'ld life <br /> <br />,200_ , <br /> <br />'r <br /> <br />Notary P~bl ic, <br />My Commission Expires <br /> <br />County,_ <br /> <br />In lilness Ihereor said Erick Dayid Manholl and Lynoe Marie Marshall. h~sband and .!fe, hove hereunto set their <br />hands This _ day of , 200_ <br /> <br />Er I ck Day i d Mar sholl <br /> <br />Lynae Mar ie Mor sno II <br /> <br />STATE OF MINNESOlf\ <br />COUNTy OF J <br />The foregoing instr~lIenl la~ acknowledged before me this _ doy of <br />by Erick David Marshall and Lynae Marie Maraholl, husband and lire. <br /> <br />,200_, <br /> <br />Notary Pub I ic, <br />My Commission Expires <br /> <br />COlin I y, <br /> <br />In .ilne~s Ihereof ~aid Countrywide Mortgage, 0 Minne~oto Corporal ion, has co~sed Ihe~e presenh 10 be signed <br />by its proper officer t"'is _ day of .200_ <br /> <br />ST ^ TE OF MI NNESOT A <br />COUN1Y OF <br />The foregoing instrlllllenl 10$ ocknolledged before me Ihis _ day of ,200 _ , <br />by of Co~nlry.,ide Mongage, 0 MinnesOlo corporation, on <br />behalf or the corporation. <br /> <br />NOTary p~bl ie, <br />My COlllllission Expires <br /> <br />COlln1y, <br />