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<br />.........". Atthe.opti9~.of the(~ity,B.onds maturing?n ()r after June 1, 2012, shalleachbe subject <br />to call aridpri.or paYment on June 1, 2011, or .on any date thereafter at a price equal t.o the' <br />principal am.ount there.of t.o be redeemed plus interest accrued t.o the date .of redemptiQn. <br />Redempti.on may be in whQle .or in part.of the BQnds subject tQ prepayment. If redemptiQn is in <br />part, the selectiQn .of the BQnds remaining unpaid t.o be prepaid shall be at the discreti.on .of the <br />City. If .only part .of the BQnds having a CQmmQn maturity date are called fQr prepayment the <br />City will nQtify the DepQsitQry .of the particular amQunt .of such maturity tQ be prepaid. The <br />DepQsitQry will determine by lQt the amQunt .of participant's interest in such maturity tQ be <br />redeemed and each participant will then select by lQt the beneficial .ownership interest in such <br />maturity tQ be redeemed. <br /> <br />(To be used if term bonds are included) <br /> <br />BQnds maturing in the year(s) (the "Term BQnds") are subject tQ <br />mandatQry redemptiQn .on June 1 in the years and principal amQunts as fQllQws: <br /> <br />MandatQry RedemptiQn Schedule <br /> <br />Term BQnds Due <br /> <br />Tenn BQnds Due <br /> <br />RedemptiQn <br />(June 1) <br /> <br />RedemptiQn <br />(June 1) <br /> <br />AmQunt <br /> <br />AmQunt <br /> <br />Term BQnds Due <br /> <br />Tenn BQnds Due <br /> <br />RedemptiQn <br />(June 1) <br /> <br />AmQunt <br /> <br />RedemptiQn <br />(June 1) <br /> <br />AmQunt <br /> <br />.or, if less than such amQunt is then .outstanding, an amQunt equal tQ the aggregate principal <br />amQunt .of the BQnds then .outstanding. The City may, at its QptiQn, tQ be exercised .on .or befQre <br />the thirtieth day preceding any mandatQry, redemptiQn date specified abQve deliver tQ the <br />Registrar written nQtice which shall (a) specify a principal amQunt .of Term BQnds previQusly <br />redeemed (.otherwise than pursuant tQ the abQve MandatQry RedemptiQn Schedule) .or purchased <br />and cancelled by the Registrar and nQt theretQfQre applied as a credit against any redemptiQn .of <br />Term BQnds pursuant tQ the abQve MandatQry RedemptiQn Schedule, and (b) instruct the <br />Registrar tQ apply the principal amQunt .of such Term BQnds SQ delivered .or previQusly redeemed <br />.or purchased and cancelled fQr credit against the principal installments tQ be prepaid pursuant tQ <br />the MandatQry RedemptiQn Schedule. Each such Term BQnd SQ delivered .or previQusly <br />redeemed .or purchased and cancelled shall be credited by the Registrar in the .order directed by <br />the City at succeeding and future principal installments tQ be prepaid pursuant tQ the MandatQry <br />RedemptiQn Schedule. <br /> <br />11 <br />