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2007-11-28 Set Agenda
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2007-11-28 Set Agenda
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<br />GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO THE EMPLOYER <br /> <br />Filing this form is not an admission of liability. You must report a claim to your insurer whenever anyone believes that a work- <br />related injury or illness that requires medical care or lost time from work has occurred. If the claimed injury wholly or partially <br />incapacitates the employee for more than three calendar days, the claim must be made on this form and reported to your insurer within <br />ten days. Your insurer may require you to file it sooner. Failure to file within the ten days may result in penalties. Self-insured <br />employers have 14 days to file this form with the Department of Labor and Industry (Department). It is important to file this form quickly <br />to allow your insurer time to investigate the claim. Your insurer will forward a copy ofthis form to the Department, if necessary. <br /> <br />If the claim involves death or serious injury (including injuries that later result in death), you must notify the Department and your insurer <br />within 48 hours of the occurrence. The claim can be reported initially to the Department by telephone (651-284-5041), fax (651-284- <br />5731 ), or personal notice. The initial notice must be followed by the filing of this form within seven days of the occurrence. <br /> <br />Employers are required to complete this form. Each piece of information is needed to determine liability and entitlement to benefits. <br />Failure to complete the form may result in delayed processing and possible penalties. You must file this form with your insurer, and give <br />a copy to the employee and the employee's local union office. You are required to provide the employee with a copy of the Employee <br />Information Sheet, which is available on the Department's web site at Employees are not responsible for <br />completing this form. <br /> <br />SEND REPORT TO INSURER IMMEDIATELY - DO NOT WAIT FOR DOCTOR'S REPORT <br /> <br />SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM <br /> <br />Item 2: OSHA Case #. Fill in the case number from the OSHA 300 log. This form contains all items required by the OSHA form 301. <br />Items 15-20: Fill in all the wage information. If the employee does not work a regularly scheduled work week, attach a 26 week <br />wage statement so your insurer can calculate the appropriate average weekly wage. <br />Items 22-24: Be as specific as possible in describing: the events causing the injury; the nature of the injury (cut, sprain, bum, etc.), <br />and the part(s) of body injured (back, arm, etc.); and the tools, equipment, machines, objects or substances involved. <br />Item 26: Fill in the first day the employee lost any time from work (including time lost for medical treatment), even if you paid the <br />employee for the lost time. <br />Item 27: Check the appropriate box to indicate if there was lost time on the date of injury and whether you paid for that lost time. <br />Item 28: Fill in the date you first became aware of the injury or illness. <br />Item 29: Fill in the date you became aware that the lost time indicated in Item 26 was related to the claimed injury. <br />Item 30: Leave the box blank if the employee has not returned to work by the time you file this form. If the employee has returned to <br />work, fill in the date and notify your insurer if the employee misses time due to this injury after that date. <br />Item 39: Fill in your Federal Employment ID number (FEIN). For information on this number, see www.firstqov.qOv and click on <br />Employer 10 Number under Business. <br />Items 40 and 44: Fill in your Unemployment ID number and North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code which are <br />both assigned by the Minnesota Unemployment Insurance Program (651-296-6141). <br />Items 46-54: Your insurer or claims administrator will complete this information. <br /> <br />INSTRUCTIONS TO THE INSURER/CLAIMS ADMINISTRATOR/SELF-INSURED EMPLOYER <br /> <br />The following data elements must be completed on this form prior to filing with the Department of Labor and Industry: employee'S <br />name and social security number; date of injury; and the names of the employer and insurer. If any of this information is missing, the <br />First Report will be rejected and returned to you (per Minn .Stat. S 176.275). Providing the name of the third party administrator does <br />not meet the statutory requirement to provide the name of the insurer. NOTE: If the claim does not involve lost time beyond the waiting <br />period or potential PPO, the form does NOT need to be filed with the Department. <br />Item 46: Fill in the name of the insurance company. If the employer is self-insured, indicate the name of the licensed or public self- <br />insured company or group. <br />Items 47-48: Fill in the legal name of the employer who purchased the policy from the insurer (named in Item 46) and the policy <br />number. If the employer is licensed to self-insure, fill in the certificate number. <br />Item 49: Fill in the insurer's Federal Employment ID number (FEIN) number. <br />lIem 51: Fill in the name and address of the company administering the claim (either the insurer or third party administrator). Be <br />sure to mark either the "Insurer" or "TPA" box. <br />Item 53-54: Fill in the claims administrator's FEIN and claim number. <br /> <br />This material can be made available in different forms, such as large print, Braille or on a tape. To request, call (651) 284-5030 <br />or 1-800-342-5354 (DIAL-DLI)No/ce or TDD (651) 297-4198. <br /> <br />ANY PERSON WHO, WITH INTENT TO DEFRAUD, RECEIVES WORKERS' COMPENSATION BENEFITS TO WHICH THE <br />PERSON IS NOT ENTITLED BY KNOWINGLY MISREPRESENTING, MISSTATING, OR FAILING TO DISCLOSE ANY MATERIAL <br />FACT IS GUll TV OF THEFT AND SHALL BE SENTENCED PURSUANT TO SECTION 609.52, SUBDIVISION 3. <br /> <br />BRAC 2510 (05/03) <br />
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