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<br /> <br />fOOlr(s Dale fa 'l~'::L- ~f- - i'~-':~?i HeaIllPllllnels SaIes~_. <br />FuUlegaIGlooP~~_ (' ~.€L_G....k"V'~" ~(rt~) _ . <br />Address (z.a- r~Vrj"'" ~, - __ ._ COunty--AJ:-'.f K4- _"'_ Phone~$ 4 - it?1~___1> 1 ~ 3-..__ <br />City, State. ZIP _..Ce,f\.o~L.:'-.~\.,.. I ft."'":._.. SSa].B _ FaxJ~",,~'..V2't:::~_ <br />Contact Person.. .J..,t.,.... hA.E~~___._TD3li~,;:-< ".{A ...~ ___email__. . <br />Is Contact Person a1 eligible employee? ..,4ES [] NO If NO, please explain:.___ ___ <br />1. Who are the 0WRe1S? ___ Perc&nt of O\'Io'IIershfp for eacIl owner ____. 0- <br />Are they eligible for coverage? 0 YES)ifNO IfMO, explain _' <br />_.0 -1 <br /> <br />2. Is Ihis organization in any Will related 10 other colllUlies (such as a Mional corporalion) as a whoIy ~iaIIy owned subsidiary, or lfoes <br />this organizafion own any oh!r IXIllpaNes or have wholly or partially oM\l!d subsiiaries? 0 YES::;r.mtt <br />IrYES, please fWOvide the HealhPartners ControDed Group foRlll <br />3. Corporate heldtuarters location (Cily and Stale aIldlor Cotlllly): Gci'-~'\A?t^, M.A... _ _ ._._.. <br />Do you have any other locations or sites? 0 YES,>Ia"NO If YE!$, list the. State andJor County: __ _. <br />4. Number 01 years in buslness,'l.?"'~ Group's Federal Tax 10 number ~ ___. _-"---___ Induslry _GdL''t'".~* <br />. 5. TYPE OF ENTITY: 0 S Corporation 0 C Corporation 0 Sole Proprietorship [] Partnership <br />~on-Proflt 0 LLe (circle QOO fo /he rlglJl: C Cl'>lp<llativn Sole Proprietorship Parlner&lilll <br />6. On average, ImI many indivickJas did 1his Of!}8I1i:zaIion eJllIlJoy (In a1llo!;ations contlIned), vrorkilJ a m1ninum of.20 hOLn per l.eek, <br />thrOlJ9hout the preceding calendar year (Jarury to December)? t!" <br />(&ckldng seasona/,'lt1IflOTB(JI B(Id IIfJion e~ covered I&'IltY II ~ bafgsining ~ <br /> <br />7_ Curmntly, how many employees are working a rniI1imooI of 20 /lOU'S per Met? <br /> <br />- - <br />Some employees who do nOl wOlk a fulllWellle months may be covered under their employers plan. These employees must Ml(k II minimum <br />of nine months in II ccfendar year. If pfOIIidlng coveraQll for these empJoyoos, the ernpIll)ler must COIJlIlele the Small Employer ConlJilluliDn <br />Agreement Form. ConIacl your HealihPArtieis Sales Replesentative b deIaDs. <br /> <br />In additiln :0 the above employee count, how many employees as defined abDve. will you be covering?_ .. ___o_~ <br />a. How many enPoYees reOOo outside of MinneSl1a? _ .__ .__ (Subnit "agB and tax for each stale) <br /> <br />9. If you eIett coverage, will you be ufF.ring a Medical Expense Reimbursement plan? {such as an HRA cr siIdIIr IIffaII!IllDlII 0 YES 19-NO <br /> <br />10. Does this Olganizalion cnrrenlly have any leased employees? 0 YES t/-No If YES, please explain: _"_ <br /> <br />.11. Does this crgarizalion currenUy have. inlend to haw, or EWer had a Professiona Employer Organization (POO) agreemenl? 0 YE~O <br /> <br />If YEs, pleaso pro'llid~ a copy of the aareemerrt <br />P1ease provide the name of the PEG:__.... Dale ofPEO :qeementteTminalion: ._,_ <br /> <br />12. Does thisorgarHzation intend to offer same gender domestic partner coverage? 0 YES ~NO <br />If yes, please complete domestic partner agreement. <br /> <br />PA,RTICI:'A -ION! EMPLovEE ELIGIBILITY INFOR.tMTION <br /> <br />AI Eligible Employees Mu~t Work AT LEAST .3 z.. HoItTS Per Week <br />Oassification(s} of Employees EllCIuded from Coverage: 0 uniOn covered by a coIIecIive bargaining agfoormnt 0 Part-time <br />D Union not covered by a coIective bargaining egreemeot 0 Salaried <br />o OI:her(explain}:________.______ __._______ 0 ~ <br />Are early Retirees eligible for ooverage? ~YES 0 NO If yes, define policy .... ..<!:!!..~ 0 <br />Waiting Period for New Employees: 0 Date of Hire OR First of the month folio.... (check one below): <br />)2f30 da)'s 0 60 days [] 90 dItJS 0 Olhef, expIail: <br /> <br />Total number of eligible employees: '1 <br />Total number of e1ig ibfe empIoyeP.!'l that are applying for coverage: _3_ <br />Total number of errpIoyeE'-S that are waNIng coverage: (p" <br />Total number of errployees ill1eir waiting period: ______ .:r.r:..._- (applical:ion or waiwr required) <br />Nurrber of fOlTTler employees on COBRA oontiluatlon: pt <br />EmpIoyerConlribution: Minimum 50% of single COIlaTage, or MedIcal: _Singe FamUy Denial: _9n!t1e _Family (f applicable) <br />- . page1~e&o7M.~. <br /> <br />65 <br />