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2005-05-25 CC
City Council
2005-05-25 CC
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5/9/2006 2:40:31 PM
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9/16/2005 9:12:04 AM
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2. 1601 LaMotte Drive <br /> The negotiations will continue. <br /> 3. Downtown Redevelopment Planning - Update <br />No discussion. <br />4. CSAH 14/Main Street Project <br />No discussion. <br />5. Summary of Water Board Meeting <br />Mayor Capra gave an overview of the meeting at which the Water Board gave residents <br />options to purchase square footage of property that is shoreline of which some is under <br />water and many residents were not pleased. <br />City Attorney Hoeft indicated that Anoka County Parks generated this process because in <br />redoing County 14 through the park they were going to lose some property by expanding <br />the right of way and they had used federal funds to purchase the property in the park so <br />when you lose property you have to replace it so they approached the Water Board and <br />said the County would like to buy fee title to the property along the lake for replacement <br />property. <br />Mayor Capra indicated that Mr. Tschida would like the shoreline ordinance forwarded to <br />him. <br />Mayor Capra indicated there was a ground breaking ceremony for the Centennial Lakes <br />Police Department that was well attended and it was a nice success story. <br />Mayor Capra indicated she received a letter from the State Auditor of accommodation. <br />Council Member Paar asked for information on the creek in Parkview and whether that <br />work was finished. <br />Mr. Peterson indicated that it was looked at it but they cannot get any equipment in there <br />so they dug a trench by hand so there will be water sitting in that ditch for a while. He <br />then said that he does not think that anything more can be done back there. <br />Council Member Paar indicated that originally Sandy and Joe came to him and then the <br />resident that is north of him said his yard used to be dry and it is wet now and he <br />complained to Mr. Hanzal who sold to him and never had water until this came through. <br />He then asked whether anything will be done to correct this in the winter because they <br />think that the creek used to drain but now it is backing up because it cannot drain. <br />Page 7 of 8 <br /> <br />
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