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<br />~ Metropolitan Council <br />Me.troMe~tings <br /> <br />A weeklv calendar of meetings and agenda itemsfor the Metropolitan Council, its advisory <br />and siandmg committees, and regional Council sponsored events. The Metropolitan Council <br />;s located at 390 Robert St. N. ;n downtown St. Paul. All meetings are held at this location <br />unless oiherw;se noted. Meeting times and agendas are subject to change. Visit our website <br />at wv'/ for r!'lore ir?formation. <br /> <br />Week of February 4 - 9, 2008 <br /> <br />Monday, Fcbruary 4 <br /> <br />Metropolitan Conncil State of the Region 2008 Mccting: 10 a.m. - II :30 a.m., <br />Minncapolis Central Library, 300 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis. <br /> <br />Community Dcvelopment Committee: 4 p.m., Cbambers. The agenda includes: <br />Recommendations of the Livable Communities Demonstration Account Work Group; <br />Family Affordable Housing Program-HUD Management Operations Certification; <br />Information <br />Report of Findings from the Diversiilcd Rural Area Group; <br />Interim Forecast Revisions; <br />Status 01'2008 Comprehensive Plan Update Submittals; <br />2008 Community Development Committee Work Plan Updatc; and other business. <br /> <br />Tucsday, February 5 <br /> <br />No meetings schedulcd <br /> <br />\Vednesday, February 6 <br /> <br />Technical Advisory Committce to the TAB: 9 a.m., Chambers. The agenda includes: <br />MnDOT Long Range Revenue Forecasts and Needs; <br />Sunset Date Extension for Dakota Mississippi Regional Trail; <br />2008-2011 TJJ> Amcndment for Century Avenue; <br />2008-2011 TIP Amendment forUPA Funding; and other business. <br /> <br />Metropolitan Council Listening Scssion: Noon - 2 p.m., University ol'Minnesota, Weisman <br />Museum, 333 E. River Rd., Minneapolis. The "genda includes: <br />Scek Public COll1lTlents on the Centra] Corridor ProJcct. Attendees have the Opportunity <br />to Address Members of the Central Corridor Management Committee and the <br />Metropolitan Council Prior to the Metropolitan Council Making Key Project Scope Decisions. <br /> <br />Transportation Accessibility Advisory Committee: 12:30 p.m., Lower Levcl A. The agenda includes: <br />Legislative Update; <br />Metropolitan Council Web Accessibility; <br />Commuter Rail Update; <br />LRT Central Corridor Updc.te; <br />Standing Oder Policy Change; <br />Metro Mobility Statistics; and other business. <br />