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<br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the City Council of <br />the City of Centerville met on Wednesday, October 24, 1979 in <br />City Hall. Mayor Prachar called the meeting to order at 8:00 pm. <br />Present were: Burque, L'Allier, Laska and Savela. <br /> <br />Floyd Laska made a motion to accept the minutes of the October <br />10 meeting, Fran Burque seconded it, motion carried. <br /> <br />PETITIONS AND COMPLAINTS: the sodding done on the previous <br />Saturday and the question of re-blacktopping Mound Trail. <br /> <br />Clerk read a request from Mr. David Mc~velly for an extension <br />on the final plat of CLEARWATER CR~EK ~STATES. Leon L'Allier <br />made a motion to grant an extension on the final plat presenta- <br />tion of Clearwater Creek ~states until February 11, 1980, Gary <br />Savela seconded it, motion carried. <br /> <br />Presentation was presented to the Council from representatives <br />of Centennial School District #12 on their summer recreation <br />program. They are asking for a donation from the City. Matter <br />was tabled until the next meeting. <br /> <br />Russell Almendinger, representing PQT Company, was in attendance <br />thanking the City for receiving the planting of seedling trees <br />in Centerville project under the Shade Tree Program. <br /> <br />Discussion was held with Mr. Almendinger concerning the quote <br />on the parcel of land the City is interested in purchasing for <br />park property. PQT Company's price to the City will be $3,000. <br />an acre (parcel involving 9 acres) and in one payment. Matter <br />was tabled until further investigation can be made by the <br />Council. <br /> <br />Hearing was o~ened at 9:30 pm on the proposed amendments <br />to Ordinance #10 dealing with size of lots for duplexes. <br />Discussion was held and consensus was to amend the ordinance <br />as follows, per clerk checking with city attorney: <br /> <br />II-RESIDENTIAL (c) "Up to two dwelling uni ts or duplex under <br />one roof". D-BUILDING SI T~ REGULA TIONS - adding the following <br />sentence: "In the residential di strict, no two-uni t dwelling <br />or duplex shall be erected or used upon any lot or tract of <br />land unless the same shall have a. frontage of 150' upon a <br />city street and 150' deep and an area of not less than 22,500 <br />square feet." The matter was then tabled until the next <br />meeting. <br /> <br />Matter of the sanitary sewer connection for 1567 Peltier Lake <br />Drive was discussed. Clerk is to advise Attorney to commence <br />prosecution for violation of Ordinance #30. <br /> <br />Estimate #3 for Northern Asphalt was discussed. Clerk is to <br />type up new estimate reducing #4 under Part II from $66,150. to <br />$35,953.47 making a total estimate of $50,615.20. Gary Savela <br />made a motion to pay Northern Asphalt Estimate #3 in the amount <br />of $50,615.20, Leon L'Allier seconded it, motion carried. <br /> <br />Floyd Laska made a motion to adjourn, Gary Savela seconded it, <br />motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:45 pm. <br />I Res~ectfully submitted, <br />u~L( Lu Prachar, Clerk <br />