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<br />LG220Appllcation for Exempt Permit <br /> <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />6/07 <br /> <br />LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT <br />If the gambling premises Is within city limits, If the gambling premises Is located in a township, both <br />the city must sign this application. the county and township must sign this application. <br /> Check ('.J> the action that the city Is taking on Check <.J> the action that the county Is tekJng on <br /> this application. this appUcatlon. <br />_The application is acknowledged with no waiting period. _The application is acknowledged with no waiting period. <br />_The application is acknowledged with a 30 day waiting _The application is acknowledged with a 30 day waiting <br /> period, and allows the Board to issue a permit after 30 period, and allows the Board to issue a permit after 30 <br /> days (60 days for a 1 st class city). days. <br /> _The application is denied. <br />_The application Is denied. <br />Print city name Print county name <br /> On behalf of the county, I acknowledge this application. <br />On behalf of the city, I acknowledge this application. Signature of county personnel receiving application <br />Signature of city personnel receiving application <br /> Title Date I I <br />Title Date ---1---1_ TOWNSHIP: On behalf of the township, I acknowledge that the <br /> organization Is applying for exempted gambling activity within the <br /> township limits. [A township has no statutory authority to approve <br /> or deny an application [MInnesota Statute 349.213, subd. 2)] <br /> Print township name <br /> Signature of township official acknowledging application <br /> Title Date ---1--1 <br />CHIEF exECUTIVE OFFICER'S SIGNATURE <br />The Information provided in this apPlica:;fJ comPlete~~ accurate to the best of my knowledge. I acknowledge that <br />the financial report will be completed an tumed tOA oard within 3.Q.1ays of the date of our gambling activity. <br />Chiefexecutiveofficer'ssignature--T k .,e-- Date 30 I h I Df( <br />Complete an application for each gamlilng activity: Financial report and recordkeeplng <br />. one day of gambling activity required <br />. two or more consecutive days of gambling activity A financial report form and instructions will be <br />. each day a raffle drawing is held sent with your permit. Within 30 days of the <br />Send application with: activity date, complete and return the financial <br />. a copy of your proof of nonprofit status, and report form to the Gambling Control Board. <br />. $50 application fee for each event. Questions? <br /> Make check payable to "State of Minnesota." Call the Ucensing Section of the Gambling <br />To: Gambling Control Board Control Board at 651-639-4076. <br /> 1711 West County Road B, Suite 300 South <br /> Roseville, MN 55113 <br /> <br />DaIa privacy. This form will be made available <br />In alternative format p.e. large print, BraiDe) upon <br />request The Information requested on this <br />form (and any atlachmenls) will be used by the <br />Gambling Control Board (Board) fo determine <br />your qualifications to be Involved in IawfuJ <br />gambling activities in Minnesota. You have the <br />right to refuse to supply the Information <br />requested; however. n you refuse to supply <br />this information, the Board may not be able to <br />determine your quafdications and. as a <br />consequence, may refuse to issue you a <br />perm~. If you supply the Information requested, <br /> <br />the Board will be able to process your <br />application. Your name and and your <br />organization's name and address wiD be pubUc <br />information when received by the Board. AU <br />the other Information you provide will be private <br />data untIJ the Board issues your pennit When <br />the Board issues your permit, aD of the <br />Information provided to the Board will become <br />public. If the Board does not issue a permit, aD <br />Information provided remains private, with the <br />exception of your name and your organization's <br />name and address which wIU remain pubRc. <br />Private data are available to: Board members, <br /> <br />Board staff whose work requires access to <br />the information; Minnesota's Department of <br />PubUc Safety; Attomey General; CommIssloners <br />of Administration, Rnance, and Revenue; <br />legislative AudItor, national and international <br />gambling regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant <br />to court order; other individuals and agencies <br />that are speciflcally authorized by stale or <br />federal law to have access fo the information; <br />individuals and agencies for which law or legal <br />order authorizes a new use or sharing of <br />information after this Notice was given; and <br />anyone with your consent. <br />