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<br />l!;:ID TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS PROGRAM <br />ADDUcant DoscrlDllon Pederal $ Match TolBIs <br /> Como Park Streetcar Slatian-Pede8lrtan Bri:cIge InterpreIIYe SII8. Presel'\l8 a <br />1 portion of and reconstruct Brklge L-68!l3, _c1~ pla1forms, InIerpretlw $1.084,"" <br /> CltyofStPaul slgnage, concrete remoYlll ancIlrBII m::cesa. $642,4OD 8441,600 <br />2 Carver County Pu:bIIc Dakota RaD Une ExtensIon ProjeCt. Canstrucla B.2 mfI8 bl:c:yclelped8strlan b8fl $1,320,"" <br /> -- from Ole CIti to MaJer to the CmwtIMcleod Coun1y line. $,DOU $32O,DlllI <br />3 Lower Afton Trail Ext8n.sIotl. ConslJ'ueIkm of a one-mDe paved bIcyde1pedestrlan <br /> b'aIJ In Salnt Paul &long north side of Lcwet Afton Road frDm M:KnlgId Ruad to $900!"" <br /> Ramsey Collllll' Parks Point 00ugIas Ro.,1. 8720,DOll 8180,DOll <br />4 llarnwl H. Morgan R_alTraU _. Recon...._. raaIlgnmonl, <br /> Cltv of Sl Paul and Iandscaplng of 1.7 mfIe segment of trail between TH 8 and 13SE and 8',288:- <br /> _of__,wayllMmglllgnllll8."-_. S782,aao $528,110 <br />6 BrIdge 4176 Tl'USS Restoration and Deck Reconstruction. RehabIJita1e bridge <br /> JoealodInCllyofShaJeopee_ofTHI6BITH 10. RIYllrBrklgelor.._.. <br /> MnDOT as a ped8stlianlblcycle facili1)' over rhe MInn88o!a RIver. 11.0DD ODD 8451,801 11451,801 <br />6 Lake Mfnnewashta Regional Park and TH41 Trail and GJade.separated =ssIng. <br /> Construct blc:ydoI~n InIlIIn Cllanhasson including undarpass __ <br /> Carwt County PublJc patIdng 101 In Lake Mi:nn:ewasht8 Parillo TH 41 and con&tnld traIJ alOng TH 41 $',280,lIIll <br /> Work from Longacres Drive ID MlnrIet:onka West Middle School Sl.ODD,DOll I2&l,DOll <br /> North ~ _aI T... Dodge No"ra Segment. Construct 1.1 ..... of <br />7 bituminous b1qrcIe1pede&trlan traO In West 81 Paul from TH 110 to GaJIougb 8m"" $666"" <br /> Dakota CoIIIll}' PIaMlng EIomontalylndudlng. ped_ .adarpass. $708,ODD <br /> 13th Street Pede8btan Gatewa)'. ReconstNd South 13th Street from NlcoUet MaD <br />8 10 ~"AVBI1UlI bywlda1llngllld......., .-gt....and......_, <br /> ~_lllghtIngandolher~llIJlerlltiaaand....-_t..... $693 ... <br /> Clly of MInneapofis to one tnwellane. $714,400 1178 BOO <br /> MIssIasIppI_ RagIonaJ T.... Spring Lake Plll1< R...... East Construct <br />9 blc:ydoIped_InIlI_Schaml Blufflo _ R_1n NinlrlgerTwpand 8'.162.'" <br /> DaI<otaColllll}'_nlng _B1__. 8921,800 S23D,4DO <br /> 12nd Stra8t Pedes!rIan Bridge. ConstnIct pedestrlantbl:crd& bridge owrFranca <br />10 A\l8I'IUG near 72rtd Stre!t Sovth and 600' of blb.tn1Inuua nO, 1Ightlng, 1andsca]Xng, S2...... <br /> cttyofEdIna _ and $1ODD,DOll 8t.ODD ODD <br />11 DaI<ota CountY _nino MIssIasIppI_RagIonaJTrall.llTIh 5.10 Spring Lake R_I PlDk. 81,461 "" <br />Construct 3.7 mlla blc:ydoI__ troD In Rosomaunt. 81.ODD,DOll 8461,280 <br />12 Wash,ngumCountYWorl Hatdwood Creek reglonaI Trail Mllltknodal Bridge 0\I8t CR 83. Constn.lct a bridge _,lIIll <br />OW!' 11th Awnue SouDlIn the CiIy of Forest Lake. $II8O,ODD S17D,ODO <br />13 CltvolContervllla Construct pedastrianlblcyele baD In IheCltyofCentervflla cortn8dlng CSAH 14 $ll42,lIIll <br />rran. From Lamotte Drive to WeatviewSt snd Ce:JTteMIIe Rd. 8708,800 $23$,800 <br />14 R8ym:)nd Aw StreetsCape lmpl'1:Mt..lO...1:6, Phase 1. Reccns1NctIon ofRaymotld <br /> Avenue from UnlYerslty Ave. to Hampden Indudfng curb and gutter. asphalt <br /> roadway, bump.oul8, medians, sidewalk ~.l1$,Iht. pedBatrlan 1'8ITlPS. on <br /> CIIy of Sl Paul street blke lanes, 81l'Bet lighting. Iandscaplng and btke racks. seao GOD S24D.DOll 6t,2DO,OD <br />16 I<aIIat Lab WBIer QuaIIly l"1'fOVllmenl Construct. _ __" <br /> In th8 Cl!y of Maplewood to addtes9 water poIIution In Keller Lslut tIuough a serie <br /> nWa of3__pcmds__-TH 38 and TH 61. $227,780 S&6.B4D $284,7OD <br />16 Mldtawn Corridor Bridge Preservation Program. Bridge ptes8N8t1onJrehabUi!atfon Sf,26DOOD <br /> CIty of MlnneapoHs ofbetween4 to 8 of the bridges CfV88lng Ihe MIdtown Greenway. Sf ,ODD,ODD I2&lDOll <br />17 Con8b'ucla 1.3 mile bl:cyde/pedestrIan traU along the Chervkea Regional TmU In S1.72!,00D <br />CllyofSl.Paul Cherokee Regional Park In St Paul. 81,ODD,ODD 8725,DOll <br />TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS PROGRAM SUBTOTAL $14,043,740 l1li,894,811 118,938,281 <br /> <br />*" <br />