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<br /> SURFACE TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM - URBAN GUARANTEE <br />IlaDID Applicant DescriPIIDII Federal , Match , Total <br /> _County us Hwy 10 and CSAH 9B Grade SeparatIon. ElImlnate the et1ll8d signalized <br />33 brt_1IOIIfha__USHwyl0_CSH116. $11,400,000 <br /> 51 ,DOO,DOO $4,400,000 <br /> ,,"aka County CSAH 116_sIan and.......~. _orCSAH 116 <br /> from CSAH 7 through 38th Ave N In the dtIea of AnDka and Andowr to 8 fDW:-~ <br />34 dIvIdad roadway I constnlctlon of separate pedestrlanlblcycle tralI along north alde <br /> and l1lCCM1nJdIon cf exlstlng traffic 8!gnaJ st CSAH 7. <br /> $4.204,000 $1,051,000 $5.2115000 <br /> Wash.. County CSAH 2 ReconstNction. Reconatrucl CSAH 2 from 12th S! SW ID TH 81ln the <br />35 Cltyof FcreatLake to 8 four.lane divIdec:I roadway end conatna:tion ole $4.1oo,00Il <br /> muJtImocIal tralI and sidewalk. $3.260,000 $620.000 <br /> ClIy or Rogers TH 101 G__Ramp_Construaloff.rampfnlm <br />36 westbound 1-94 tD northbound TH 101 In the CIty of Rogers, lntatsectlon <br /> irn:ptDvementB 81TH 1D1/I-94 and connedIon of two tralI88longTH 101. S7,oao,DOtI $3,900,000 $10,900,OOIl <br /> Sca1I County Conatrud 1.8 mile segment oJCSAH 21 four-tane dlvldedraadway plus 12' <br />37 ahwldel'8 from CSAH 42 to CSAH 16 In the ClfIea of ShakDpee and Prior Lake <br /> and Induda 8 Tranall Advanlage Acc:ea:s Pclnt to TH 189, and trail an easI aide of <br /> _. $6,000,000 S1,6DD,DOtI 117,500,011< <br /> City or Mapls Grave Reconstruct CSAH 10 from VIckabw'g Lane III CSAH 101 In the CIIy of Maple <br />38 Grove to 8 fDur-1an8 divided roadway, blcJclelpedestrfan ItBUs on both a!dea of d1 <br /> roadway, sIgnaIlzed Intersec:tIons and Ittt:ensectilm reallgnmenlatCSAH 101.. <br /> $7,000,000 $6 400 000 113,400,"", <br /> Hennepln County ReconstruclCSAH 61 from north ofCSAH IOta north of63rd Ave N tg 8~lane <br />39 dlYJdecI roadway, lrtt:e:rMctImllmprovemenll at63n:l Ave N lnthe CItles at $9,000,00< <br /> _Pllll<and~l $7,000,000 $2,000,000 <br /> CityofSlLoufsPark Cortstrucl grade-separated lntBrcIlange at TH 7 and Laulsfana Ava. In the City of <br />40 Sl Louf3 Park including pedeStrianJbfcy pa!tl on lite bridge crossing over TH 7. $9.200,"", <br /> $7,000,000 $2 200.000 <br /> Dakota Colll'lty Raalnsttuctlon of CSAH 23 from CSAH 42 to CSAH 38ln Ihe City of Apple VeIJey <br />41 lnd__ta_aRTa..__. $8,760,OOl <br /> $7,000,000 $1,750,000 <br /> Sca1I County ReconsfrucI: 0.85 mllea ofTH 131101 frornZJnran Ave Sto l.gujaIana Ava S In the <br />42 Ci2y at Savage lncIu:dlng overpass farTH 101 eastbound traftI:c, 2-1ane wealbound $9,000.011< <br /> _,_ar_oIina" $1,000,000 $2.000,000 <br /> MnOOT ConatnIct Interchange 81 TH 38 and HlIlon TI'8fJ In Ole City of Pfne Sprtngs, plus <br />43 ccnstrud rton1age road segment and acceaa removal. and shoulder Jmprovem:mt. $6,760,OOl <br /> S1,DOD,OOO $1,750,000 <br /> CltyofstPaul Mid1Dwn Greenway ~ 5t Paul Ex1enslon Phase 2. Construct an off-road <br />44 bicycle/pedestrian trail from Prior Aw to Ayd II1II TraD In the Clly cf St Paul $8,676,"", <br /> Ind:uding right of WilY acqufslllon. $6,500,000 $1,375,000 <br />STP URBAN GUARANTEE SUBTOTALS $74.984,000 $29,148,000 $104,130,000 <br /> <br /> RAILROAD HIGHWAY CROSSING SAFETY PROGRAM (not In ma I) <br />ProI8Ct ND ADDllca.t DescriDtlDII Federal' Match$ Total $ <br />0.00121 City or Jordan _ St, M&O.S 105, J_, Sca1I County $225,000 528,000 $260,000 <br />19-00137 Oakola County CNTY 116, 320111 St W, __ (1/2 .. N), Oakola County $225 000 $25,000 S2lIOOOO <br />27-00280 ClIyo'Ptymauth N Nathan l.Jl, MSAS 180. Plymouth. Hennepin County $225,000 $25,000 $260,"", <br />1>00122 Sca1I County lIllay VJaw Or, Twp 67, J_ (.25 .. Nj, Sand Craak T.....hlp. Sca1I County $225,000 $25,000 $260,"", <br />-00261 ClIyor__. _AvaS, MSAS409._ $247,500 $27,500 $275,000 <br />-00292 Haanepln County CSAH 10, _ Lalla Rd. Hennepln County $292,600 $32,500 :;~ <br />7-00293 ClIy or "'llellJlOlIs 14th Ave NE, MUN 283. MinneapolIs $270,000 $30,000 <br />7-00294 CIIy of RobbInsdale 39th & % Ave., Robb!n8daIe. Hennepin County 522lI,000 $25,000 S2lIO,ooo <br />7-00295 City of B100mfngt0n West92nd St, MUN 627,_ 522lI,000 $26,000 S2lIO,OOO <br />7-0029II City 01 St Lauls PIlll< Laka at, M&O.S261, St, Lauls P.... HennapIn County $247,600 $27,500 $275.000 <br />7-00297 City of Mfnneapolls 26th Ave N. MSAS 301, MpIs, HeMBpin Coun!y $226,000 $2ll,OOO S2lIO,"", <br />7-00293 City 01 MInneapolis 17th Ava N, MSAS 310, MpIs $225,000 $25,000 $260000 <br />7-00299 City of St. louis Park A/abamaAve, MSAS 305. St LOllIs Part, Hennepin County $225,000 $25,000 $260,000 <br />27-00300 City or MlMaapalls 22'" Ava N, MSAS 311, MpIs $225,000 $25,000 $260,00< <br />RAILROAD HIGHWAY CROSSING SAFETY PROGRAM SUBTOTAL $3.082.600 S342.800 $3 426,000 <br /> <br />IGRAND TOTAL <br /> <br />I $168.741,0661 Ssa.821.4921 $216.662,64~ <br />