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<br /> <br /> <br />......."'...1:&...." ~ r III...... <br />s,m.J.Ani 'I ,,.,.. GnmrJ AI- b . <br />Minnesota icon Tom Kdly led me Twins ro Yicrory in IWO World Series <br />championships during his ""un: as the 1aDI" ......... from 1986-200 1. <br />In reo>gnition of his coaching sltiU and me laDl" SU<XaS, Kdly was named <br />me 1991 American leap Manager of !be Year. Kdly will provid< !be <br />Annual Conk=a: opening keynoce adcInss, dwing his imit;hn on <br />1eadmbip, managemen', and bow ro build and susuin a winning ....... <br /> <br />.....'.r. CIlJ"""" ..... .... <br />CI I\- a Ee..I"C " _1-' -It <br />An MVP from me 2fXf7 1..eagu< Annual Confcrcnoe, 0... Iv.m is muming <br />ro lead a 9O-mIn... wnom.." sasion tided 'Communiry En~ <br />Suaqics' in me Especially fOr SmaU Otits track. Ivan will expIon: how <br />small citi<s CIII .,.... enaoprmeurial wrnmunities rhar nunwt new bwin<ss <br />stIrt-ups and 100= growdl and apansion of <:>:isting bu"""",- Ivan is a <br />wrnmuniry and econnmic dovdopmen' spcciaIist wi'" Michigan s.... <br />UnMrsity Emnsion and a &cquen, gu= Iectun:r on wrnmuniry suca:ss. <br />His raan:b indudes proj<as tirIcd 'SmaU Town Sua:ess Suaqics' and <br />"Can Small Towns Be Cool!" <br /> <br />n. cs.r:.., Letn 1,1IiIIn CIlIII NIIIc TeIIAslDR <br />H-. .41.....""'" At the Capitol; PoIitieIIJ Rrporur. Almanac <br />Emmy-winning ropom:r and public al&in ap<rt Mary Labammer will discuss <br />how dry issw5 are perceiwd .. me Capirol and add.... me medii, cov=g< <br />of rbcse issu<s. Labammcr wiD also provid< her oboe....tions on !be 2008 <br />eIeaiom, !be 2008 R.publican National Con_rinn ro be hdd in St. Paul- <br />Minneapolis. and how me dcction-y<ar dinwe will aIfea Minnesota ciria. <br /> <br />I' <br />" <br /> <br />glster online at <br /> <br />. ,~". t <br />$ - <br />.jt'" ,$ .. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />I '.', <br /> <br />~y!-I:J <br /> <br />CIt" . <br /> <br />'--~-,' . <br /> <br />."i;~j!'tL' t,.:".", <br />....,,','1. <br />" . . ,'., ", . " .~ ' n <br />, "','"" ~.'..,. '.,;~ ...,.. '.,...J 1.1., . <br /> <br />,/, .~>' -~.; <br />'%.:<4' '""'_";:,_ -;>,:>.:.~ ,:":,!!, ';'J;',;,~::,~ - ;}i,-" '-'~\-'_':' ::_:'>~:- /"'-':'_ I_;,~ ',' <br />,,:ii ."$lS;r[i'~:J'f<1"11~ <br /> <br />i.,i:';ifl "._~'; :,:'. ".' , ' <br /> <br />. . - , . , <br />, ',' ,i" ...','.'.,....~rj(~.._rl'....nJt.... '. <br />.,~I~~ljli~c.(.i..r(...~....J ',. . <br />