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<br />DRAFT <br /> <br />TABLE 1 Historic Water Demand <br /> <br />\'!'lIf ):-Pllll Population ~::miOm ' l4.>$ldentlal ollr Wholeu.le TotlllW.Illu TPlIlIWlller PelTi'nl .:hi-rag~ Madmuro Rnldrntlal Totlllll~ <br /> l>upul.nt.OD St-n'l.'d '\'atuSuld Wll1uSold lMlveni'll Sold (MG) ....... l"nmnuedj D._' D...... ~llII\>118i npltaldll~. <br /> .iMW ]\1(;\ : IM(;l (!\I(;:' \:nacl"OlIllloo (M(;>>) (MGD\ CIIDltafQ" <br />2006 3940 2230 935 81.142 14.131 95273 96.987 1.8 .266 .672 99.7 119.2 <br />2005 3800 2210 922 70.82 10.186 80167 86812 7.7 .238 .638 87.8 107.6 <br />2004 3675 2150 897 73.03 906 82.086 80867 -1.4 .222 .704 93] 103.0 <br />lOO] 3620 2080 868 77.160 9807 86.967 97.576 10.9 .267 .592 101.6 128.5 <br />2002 3202 1955 860 64.777 6.392 71.169 71.2]0 0.1 195 .491 90.8 998 <br />2001 3150 ]832 733 62.161 10.944 43.105 82.865 11.8 .227 510 93.0 123.9 <br />2000 3050 ]720 668 59.110 7.217 66.327 78.652 15.7 .215 825 94.1 1253 <br />1999 2476 1650 642 54.279 0.985 55.264 56.707 2.5 .155 415 90.1 94.2 <br />1998 2116 1402 552 48.186 0.710 48.96 51.619 5.1 .11 .771 94.2 100.9 <br />1997 1708 1028 408 31.210 0.600 31.810 32.324 1.6 .09 .316 83.2 86.1 <br /> <br />MG - Million Gallons <br /> <br />MGD-Million Gallons pcr Day <br /> <br />e/l/I- CommercIaL hldustriaJ, Institutioual <br /> <br />Residl'nthll. Watt:f ufI(;d Jor normal hou/lehold purposes. such as drinking, food prepnl1ltlnn_ hmhing_ \\i!.shing c1Olht:~ and \.hshcs.l1ushing lOlletS. and ....atering Illwns and j!:ardens <br /> <br />Inslitutional. Ilospilals. nursing homes. day clIrc ccnt.::rs. and other facilities that use wnter Jorcsscntial domestic requirements. Thi8 l1lcludc8 public facilitics alld public metered uses, You mll~' WnJll to <br />mainlainseparatcin8Iltulionalwa,eruserccordstorclllcrp.cncrplllnninglllldallocalionpufllOses. <br /> <br />CmlUlIt'["cillL Waler u8cd by me'lels. holds. restauranls. ollice buildings. cQmmercilll facililies, bUlh civilian and mili13t),. <br /> <br />Induslrilll Water used Cor thermoelectric power (eleclric lIlilil~' ~eneruli()n) and olher induslrial uses ~uch II~ ~led. chemical and allied product~. lOud proces.."iujl:- pnperand allied minin!!. IIml <br />pclroleumrctimng_ <br /> <br />Wholesllll." Dellwrtl."s. Bulk water sales to olher publie waler SIl[lphcrs. <br /> <br />UDIICCUUbkd. UnllecounkJ l'Or \\'ut(,.'T is thc volumc ofwutcr ",ithdra\11l from all sourccs minus lhe VOILlIllC ,old. <br /> <br />Rrsidentlal Gallons fX'[" Capitll fX'[" DII~' - lolal residemial sales in ~allon~"'population scncd'3(,5 days Tot..1 Gallons fX'[" ClIpitll prr D8~' -lolal \\1I1er withdrawals populaliun servcd'J()5 days <br /> <br />VOTE. Non_es~111ial waler u~c~ dclinc.d b) Minllcsolll SlaTUles lIBG.291_ include IA\\ll sprinkling. vcbicle washing. gnlfcnur~ and park iTTigalinll and olher non-csSl.'ntial U5CS. Some olthc abo\.c <br />calegnnc~ al~{) include Ilon-csscnllal u~es ofwaler <br /> <br />O:,-Planning'C()mp Plan IIp<lal.-'Wal.r CUll8~T"l\liOlll'lan"20(2 Waler ~Ol".,'..a.lioll \' <br />