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<br />DRAFT <br /> <br />bookstore 800/926.7337 or DNR Waters 651/259-5703 for infonnalion regarding educational <br />materials and [onnats that are a\'uilablc. <br /> <br />6. Retrofitting Programs. Education and incentive programs aimed at replacing inefficient <br />plumbing fixtures and appliances can help reduce per capita water use as well as energy <br />costs It is recommended that communities develop a long-term plan to retrofit public <br />buildings with water efficient plumbing fixtures and that the benefits of retrofitting be <br />included in public education programs. You may also want to contact local electric or gas <br />suppliers to see if they are interested in developing a showerhead distribution program for <br />customers in your service area. <br /> <br />A study by the A WW A Research Foundation (Residential End Uses of Water, 1999) found that the average <br />indoor \vater use for a non-conserving home is 69 J gallons per capita per day (gpcd). The average indoor waler <br />use in a conserving home is 45.2 gpcd and most of the decrease in water use is related to water etlicient plumbing <br />fixtures and appliances that can reduce water. sc\\'cr and energy costs. In Minnesota, certain electric and gas <br />providers are required (Minnesota Statute 216B.241) to fund programs that will conserve energy resources and <br />some utilities have distributed water efficient showerheads to customers lo help reduce energy demands required <br />to sUDolv hot \\,.-ater. <br /> <br />Retrofitting Programs. Describe any education or incentive programs to encourage the <br />retrofitting of inefficient plumbing fixtures (toilets, showerheads, faucets, and aerators) or <br />a Iiances washin machines. <br />None. Approximately 70% of served homes were constructed after 1992. <br /> <br />Plan Approval. Water Emergency and Conservation Plans must be approved by the Department <br />of Natural Resources (DNR) every ten years. Please submit plans for approval to the following <br />address: <br /> <br />DNR Waters <br />Water Permit Programs Supervisor <br />500 Lafayette Road <br />St. Paul, MN 55155-4032 <br /> <br />or Submit electronically to <br /> <br /> <br />Adoption of Plan. All DNR plan approvals are contingent on the formal adoption of the plan by <br />the city councilor utility board. Please submit a certificate of adoption (example available) or <br />other action adopting the plan. <br /> <br />Metropolitan Area communities are also required to submit these plans to the Metropolitan <br />Council. Please see PART IV. ITEMS FOR METROPOLITAN AREA PUBLIC SUPPLIERS. <br /> <br />O:\Planning ConunissionK'omp Plall Updatc\Wlllcr Conscrvlllion Plan\2007 Water cons.."'f'\'alion v4.doc <br />19 <br />