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Planning & Zoning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />May 2, 2006 <br />Mr. Larson noted that he feels the ordinance from Brooklyn Park may be the closest to <br />tonight's discussion. <br />Commissioner Klennert Hunt noted that the porch type of architecture is making a come <br />back. <br />Commissioner Woods stated that he supports allowing a type of porch that has a roof, but <br />no walls. <br />The Commissioner discussed different architectural styles and continuity within <br />neighborhoods. <br />Commissioner Pangell asked if there was a way for the Planning Commission to see all <br />the plans before they were approved. <br />Mr. Larson stated that it could be made a Conditional Use Permit which would create <br />more of a burden on the property owner. He cautioned that if the reason to see the plans <br />was to approve architectural styles, then he suggests it not be a Conditional Use Permit <br />because then you are trying to impose the Planning Commission's design taste onto <br />individuals. <br />The Commission discussed possible setback issues and materials allowed. <br />Mr. Larson stated that he will draft an ordinance amendment that incorporates the <br />Brooklyn Park language and also that no metal or tin roofs are allowed on the structure. <br />He stated that he will E-mail this information to the Commissioners and suggested <br />scheduling a public hearing for the June meeting. <br />Motion by Commissioner Pannell, seconded by Commissioner Wright, to direct the <br />City Administrator to draft an ordinance amendment to allow covered porches and <br />schedule a public hearing for the June meeting. All present in favor. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />VI. DISCUSSION ITEMS <br />None. <br />VII. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES <br />Apri14, 2006 Planning and Zoning Meeting Minutes <br />Motion by Commissioner Klennert Hunt, seconded by Commissioner Pannell to <br />approve the Minutes of April 4, 2006, as presented. Commissioners Pannell, <br />Wright, Klennert Hunt and Woods in favor. Chair Hanson abstained. Motion <br />carried. <br />Page 13 of 14 <br />