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<br />industrial property is built up it will help the homeowner. Public safety is the highest <br />bracket of expenses and also very important. <br /> <br />Russ Koski, Q: Does the city generate revenues for selling water? A: No. Although <br />because the school is looking a getting city water the city is now looking at putting up <br />another water tower and possibly having a joint venture with Lino Lakes. <br /> <br />Russ Koski asked for an explanation of the tax increase. A: The city is proposing an 11 % <br />increase but the county increases the property value of the home the percentage is <br />adjusted to include the increased market value. <br /> <br />John Buckbee commented about the increase in the police service. <br /> <br />Dan Kupfer Q: why does the fire maintain their costs and the police doesn't. A: The fire <br />department receives donations for equipment. <br /> <br />John Buckbee Q: Is star city status help bring in businesses. Brenner replied that it gives <br />the city an organized program to attract businesses. <br /> <br />Lorraine Henslin Q: Status of senior housing. Brenner reported that it is in the planning <br />stages and that the city is working with the county. Ms. Henslin stated that the need is <br />there and that White Bear Lake is on a 5 year waiting period and is no longer taking <br />names. <br /> <br />Dan Tourville, 6994 Centerville Road, stated that those types of properties don't pay the <br />real estate taxes that a single family home does but that they don't put kids into the already <br />flooded schools. <br /> <br />Dan Kupfer Q: How can they stabilize taxes? A: last year the city's increase was 0%. <br />The city's portion of the increase is small compared to the school and the county. <br /> <br />Russ Koski stated that people never realize the property gain until they go to sell the <br />property. <br /> <br />Helmbrecht stated that the council and city staff watch the costs closely. Brenner added <br />that Danell Westbrock, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer went through a sales tax audit and getting <br />the bill from $2400 to $700. Wilharber also commended Westbrock on the interest rates <br />she has been getting on the checking account. <br /> <br />Buckbee stated that the school bond taxes will be reflected in the 1996 taxes. <br /> <br />Wilharber asked the residents present if they were satisfied with the Quad paper delivery <br />service and the garbage service. He also told the residents to let City Hall and Council <br />know about the service they have been getting. <br />