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<br />To: <br />L: I t y 0 f C(.:.'rd er' v i I. I. f:~./ <br />City counsel members <br /> <br />l:~'f" om : , ,.. . . . <br />har'I'1 Hel"bo I.d t ',L I ty r'eS'1 dE,nt) <br />1784 PeLtier Lake Drive <br /> <br />S(p 00 <br />/fECl) <br /> <br />Subject of discussion: <br />InstalLaion of sewer connection to main sewer line. <br />Dear city councel members, <br />I woul.d I.lke to bring to your attention a minor probl.em that I am encountering <br />with my sewer conection. I am unabl.e to connect directl.y to a sewer stub in <br />any where on my property because there was never a provision made. Many years <br />ago according to the city records al.l but a few properties in the development <br />of Lal.l.ler Estates had sewer stub ins provided, with the exception of my <br />~roperty (Lot 2 block 2 Lal.l.ier Estates). The city records regarding the <br />~nprovments are very incompl.ete. It is also my belief that at the time of the <br />instal.l.ation of these inprovments to this development my property was considered <br />~ non-bui I.dable lot and was Latter made buidabLe with improvments. Agian the <br />tecords are vague. I have been informed by many people that are presently <br />hirectly involed with city projects the city should at a minimum be responsible <br />17 (",j" ,:) '" ('l'V I' ('I ,. ','j '=] ':, <:: (:, II' '::, j" (" Cl ... '\') (::, (" .,. " Cl"j .,. (') J'''j (" " " " ('11' .: I <:. ") ... (" I:) 1."')" .,. I' (::, <:: .,. I'j .: .,. I""' I (.", <~ (.:> II (::, j" <br />.. l.. .. . (. ..... ~ \.. .. .. II .... . I . I. '" ..\ <.I . .... ., .J \";. .. ... (.I f <,I '1:., ..... J, ,_ <br /> <br />lvai lable, especiaLLy when they have been paying taxes on a inproved property. <br /> <br />the onl.y point of access for my sewer connection is into the cl.osest manhol.e <br /> <br />11...:.1. ,',,: l('l/";:"'(:.'('I /i'" "'I"'~' ...(..,....I.!.. (::,,,<~.,. C.(..............,... [...1: I'V F:l'''C'''/:)(':>'''v. <br />l I..{ \ ... _ .....1 .... ... II \ It.. I I .. j \ j _ Li... . .. I I {",. I ..I Ill, I... I , .. <br />'~'I" " <:: " <:: " "1 (", ".,. '1 {.) .1: (::, p .,. .(: j" (-'11'1 .,. "j (.:> I;) {:.' 1 .,. I' ':,. - I ',' I' 1.'., (- I' ! ',.I {:,' )" .,. " Ilj ':l)n C), II ' ,::,)" .,. <br />~ J... .., <..........,. \.0 I ,.... f ,- ..... . \ '.:.. I . (;) ... toO ...\..... r ,. 'I: 'f..:.. J \ ol <br />I need a conection made as soon as possible, because i wi I.L be moving In my <br /> <br />I.. (') I' ,~(::, Ill" ." ,.. " ',", + I'j ,. '" Ij c', '1" ~'l'j 'j';. II' "j ": I.' I' . -. r.:' " .(: " .,. 'HJm..Af l'll:.' I:) (', ,~ ": " "1 ! (:., .,. (-j l'j ')' I '::. 'I' 1-\ (.:> <br />i. .\....., I . .... f.. i \.\ ...:1 I <c. n." '.1 I '.~Ji.. to.... ..... ... ..... \. <c... .... ... <br />construction crew that is presently working on \he project to do the <br /> <br />instal.lation of a sewer stub-in to my property. The street wi LI. have to be <br /> <br />torn up to make the connection to the mahole, and it wouLd be extemel.y easy <br /> <br />as wel.l asconvienient to do this now whi Le this project with the cuLvert I~ in <br /> <br />p 't 09 j" f.~ s S ., T his 1<>1 i I. L p jn 0: v f:! '(I t ,:j n y f u 'I' U'f" f:: p .,.. 0 b l PIl'I S I!J i tho 'I' he'''' c i t y 'f" f:: sid f:~ 'n t .!:: <br /> <br />due to 'toads cLosing due to construction. <br /> <br />My I.aywe't has advispd me to P'tess this issue of the cities responsibi lty <br /> <br />to providp a access at thp citips cost. I feel it wi 1.1. be much I.ess expensive <br /> <br />to correct this problem now vprses later when the construction of the cuLvert <br /> <br />~as been completed. <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />Th~~~_. ~~ <br /> <br />1"'1'"", I,~ t:. l-l'::')"'-''''l {"'j. <br /><;t i . on.. '.:.. ..V\..... <br /> <br />,,~ , <br /> <br />. <br />