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<br />109 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br />110 AUGUST 29, 1994 <br />111 PAGE THREE <br />112 <br />113 Council member Helmbrecht questioned if the chain link fence <br />114 along Main Street will be installed before Thursday. <br />115 <br />116 Mr. Nyberg noted the chain link fence will be one of the last <br />117 things to be installed, however, the orange fencing will remain. <br />118 <br />119 Motion by Wilharber, second by Buckbee to direct City staff to <br />120 notify the Centennial School District regarding the Peltier Lake <br />121 Drive, Brian Drive and 20th Avenue construction, motion carried <br />122 unanimously. <br />123 <br />124 Mr. Nyberg explained he is in the process of writing the second <br />125 construction newsletter and asked if the City council would like <br />126 to have anything included. <br />127 <br />128 Council member Wilharber would like to have the residents thanked <br />129 for their patience for putting up with the construction. <br />130 <br />131 Acorn Creek - Pay Estimate. <br />132 Dave Nyberg, MSA Consulting Engineers, was present. Mr. Nyberg <br />133 noted the Acorn Creek Pay Estimate No. 4 appears to be order and <br />134 Greg Stonehouse has recommended approval. <br />135 <br />136 Motion by Wilharber, second by Dario per the recommendation of <br />137 the City Engineer to approve the Acorn Creek Partial Payment <br />138 Estimate No.4 to Rehbine, Inc. in the amount of $57,060.52; the <br />139 amount of retainage is $10,563.87, motion carried unanimously. <br />140 <br />141 Streets to be Re-swept. <br />142 Paul Palzer, Public Works Director/Building Inspector, was <br />143 present and updated the City Council regarding quotes obtained <br />144 for additional street sweeping. Mr. Palzer noted he received a <br />145 quote for street sweeping at $54.00 per hour. He estimated the <br />146 streets to be re-swept would take approximately 10-12 hours. Mr. <br />147 Palzer expressed, in his opinion, it may be beneficial to leave <br />148 the rock on the streets due to winter approaching. <br />149 <br />150 Motion by Wilharber, second by Helmbrecht that per the <br />151 recommendation of Paul Palzer, Public Works Director/Building <br />152 Inspector and budget constraints to postpone additional street <br />153 sweeping until Spring 1995, motion carried unanimously. <br />154 <br />155 1994 street Work Changes. <br />156 Paul Palzer, Public Works Director/Building Inspector, presented <br />157 the City Council with his recommendation for 1994 street work <br />158 changes. Mr. Palzer noted there is a problem with the <br />159 Centerville Road/Peltier Lake Drive intersection. He expressed <br />160 the City Engineer has discussed four different proposals with <br />161 him, and now they appear to be recommending that holes be drilled <br />162 into the catch basin. Mr. Palzer noted the drain pipes are CITY <br />