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<br />~dtS <br /> <br />'1' <br /> <br />38.12. <br /> <br />The developer must sod the +ront Yard, <br />and siae yardS to the r~ar of the <br />on ~very lot..t <br /> <br />SODQING. <br />~~levard <br />structure <br /> <br />ART:CL~ a - ~~Ai SP~CIFICAT:ONS ~ND oROCEDURE <br /> <br />Jl. ~ENERAL. In ~ sUbaiviSlon for ~esioential use of less .h~n <br />';:\Je :5i lots "no ...r.erao the :Ots ~but ,",xlstlnq oucUe 'OdOS ;\[11 <br />~:~.~\les, the CounCIL may ~aive certaIn requirements sucn ~s <br />toooqraphic. street and utIlity specifications. in tne instance <br />;uch information is not required. <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />42. SKETCIi ~LAN. i~ 'Subdivide!" shaU,.. _ sketch: olan to <br />,,.e~e"t to the Plannirt9 Commission .t th. advisor)" fleetlnq., This <br />olan may be' drawn as a freehand pencil sketch dnd doeos not <br />~~QUlre precise dimensions or any scecial sheet size. ThIs <br />3~~~C~ alan .~y be ~sed to sno~ the Commission the :ocatlon, <br />~roCOsea 3treet "nO lot layout ~nd any otner ;iqnlfieant f~atur~s <br /> <br />:~e Jroposea 3u~a:vlSlcn. <br /> <br />~CE;":"':\;I:-'R" ~1_~7. <br /> <br />~e ';0~~ow:ng n60S ino :~ta ;~a~_ Je <br /> <br />;;i..:ml'":.~.~':1 ~l"_""\ ::"'IE' :\coli':3~:-::1 <br /> <br />-~r jr~l:~l~ary ~lat ioor~vdi. <br /> <br />~es~ ~aos ~n~ ~ata ,ay Je In se~arite ;ne~cs ~r :O~O:~~1 In ~ne <br />~~~et. Je~eral~9 0n ~ne sIze "no comDlel:~y ~T ~ne Jrcoosea <br />3u~oi~i5:0n. T~e Jve-~l: size Jf !he snee~s snall ,e Jetermined <br />,y the :ity ~~aineer. <br /> <br />43.01. <br /> <br />LJC~TrON ~AP. A ~ao ~f the Jr~oose~ suboivl:ion <br /> <br />S:10WlnlJ: <br /> <br />J3.-Jl-l <br /> <br />30undarv lines af prooosed SUOOivl;lon. :!early <br /> <br />ina 1.:a ~e,= ~ <br /> <br />-13.01-2 <br /> <br />Existino zonIng of ~he <br />pr"oe"'~ies; <br /> <br />tr!ct and aajacent <br /> <br />43.01-3 - Total ~oor~rimate ~c,..eaQe in said ~lan; <br /> <br />..l:.Jl-4 <br /> <br />~ocation. ~lJtns <br /> <br />~nd names af III ~I:st:na Jr <br /> <br />:revlously Jl.t~eo s'~~e~s ~r ~t~e~ Juoi:c ~ay~. <br />sno~i~q 'yoes ~~ :morave~en~s. if ~nv, 'il:r~ao <br />ir~ ~tl:::Y -icnts-oT-~ay. :ar~s, inQ atner auoi:e <br /> <br />J:::en ;oacec;, <br /> <br />Jel'":nanel"\'. Jui:::li~IJS .il'\(l str'te~'.lr",s. <br /> <br />?iSements. ~na sec~:on ~no <br /> <br />:or~orat~ ~:res ~l~~ln <br /> <br />-:"'"e -:~.;c-: :lno ~o =' J:stdnc= iT ~~e 'lunarl?'.j : t):j'; <br /> <br />-e~. :e"onlJ ~~e 'r"c:. <br /> <br />~: . ):. <br /> <br />3r -~ .yp. <br /> <br />.:. "dO aT <br /> <br />':l'1e Jr~OO<;;?1 <br /> <br />::ll JC 1 '.' t S ~ on :d''HJ <br /> <br />~~: ~.~r--:~ <br /> <br />..,1 ~."""I1.r'I ~:\)~ <br /> <br />5(::) ~ <br /> <br />";r:?'=' T. ,:,": <br /> <br />"lInCl"'~'l <br /> <br />Jounca(:~s ;"C~ina: <br /> <br />c Adoed 2/10/88 <br /> <br />~0 <br /> <br />., <br />