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<br />SHORELINE <br /> <br />STABILIZATION <br /> <br />White River Bank Stabilization <br /> <br /> <br />View of three contours from a riffle in Whitu River, <br /> <br />1111 rodlH:liun <br />IS/)I.-I.\~.I'S \Vhil~ R 1\ ~r. \\ 11Ich <br />Il11WS in 1\\0 forks aCIW;, most 0f ('cnrral <br />and Southcrn Indiana, :>lIIK'n:u a dc\ a~lat- <br />Ing blow in December 1<)<)1). \1illiOlb or <br />fish died ti'OIn Anderson In Indianapoli~. <br />Illl' n:'\ullllf a dc..'adly dlclllical discharg\.'. <br />()r1l'in:ttilH! In :1 f:ull1er's fIeld in <br /> <br />'-Jl\.irllnmtnlal Prnt:,xtinn .\gen('y "nei the <br />DCparllllClll or JlI:.lin: 11.1 hdp il\\c::.llgalc <br />\"Inlatilln~ of thL' ('kall Watcr :\L't. Ahollt <br />:1 year and a hal r later, the company Idcll- <br />lificd as Ihe ";\lurl:l: of th~ pollulioll <br />:lgrecd II) P:lY ':-142 Inlllion In fine, and <br />1l\:lIaltk~ and pkad !;uilty t~) violations of <br />Ihe Ckan Watcr Al't. :\s nart of the senk- <br /> <br />I-March/April 2008 <br /> <br />Land and \Vater <br /> <br />CUlInl:ill \\"RCAl') 1111:1 liJr lit\.' first lilll!.: <br />t(l disclISS ways In us\.' I he S6 rn ill illll set <br />a..;idL' In r('..;lore Whitl.' I{i\\.'r. WRl',\l' i" <br />comprised of members from \ aflllUS <br />group" In the Impacled areas along the <br />rivcr. Thl.:) Clllbtlll wilh and alh i:-t: the.: <br />TrtI.;,tce, on the selecth)n and implcm':li- <br />talion or [\.'Sloralioll projl.'cts 10 b~ funded <br />\\ilh the \VRRr. <br />The Indl:Jllap(lli..; Art ( enter i 1;\('), <br />hx.:aled lHl Ihe \-)onoll (ilc.:c.:nway:-. Tmil ill <br />the heart of I\road Rlppll' Village on Ihe <br />1I0nh 'ldL"' o!' IndianaI'll/is. is a 1101- <br />((lr profit t:omlHunity art, organilation, <br />lACs l1li:,slon IS 10 engage. cnlighten and <br />e.:llh~lIIL'c.: thc ClIlIlIIIllllit)' thwugh an edu- <br />cation, parllcipation and Oh;;Cl'\at10n. 1M' <br />(Hll\'idc.:s <.jualily an inslnl\."tiun in ~t11 <br />media, hosls frc\.' puhlil' al'LTSS III national <br />arti;;ts' C\pnSlthHls and nwintams <br />t\RTSP.\RI-.:,:1 12 :\l"n: outdoor cre.::ni\ it)' <br />and sculpllln: park horderco in thc north <br />b\ Ihc.: White.: Rin;r. This nalllr.1! creatl\\: <br />playground ~h(lweases open-air studios <br />ucvdopcd lix pl'opk or all agl's and \Ibi li- <br />tics 10 touch. play, create and gW\\. Thl' <br />park lllkr" disrm't'ry Ihrougl1(lllt rhl' <br />changing sC:lSons and Iandscap\.' ill an <br />cll\'ir()nnh~11l where Cfcatih' energy InCI.'IS <br />Ihl.'lllrL'L'~ uflwlurc. <br /> <br />Prnhll'l\l <br /> <br />Th,' o',u"li,i.." "fIll,' ..i\'I'I' h,,"l 1'"':11_ <br /> <br />11'11'1\: 1(llleI( IlldH '(J/el~C()m <br />