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<br /> <br />LEAGUE OF <br />MINNESOTA <br />CITIES <br /> <br />CONNECTING & INNOVATING <br />SINCE 1913 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Value of Cities research survey-fact sheet <br /> <br />Background: <br />. The survey was conducted for LMC in November, 2007 by Decision Resources, Ltd. <br />. A total of 800 city residents from Minnesota were interviewed via telephone-they were <br />selected using random sampling methods. <br />. The survey has a margin of error of +/-3.5 percent in 95 out of 100 cases. <br />. The League hopes to use the survey results to learn more about Minnesotans' knowledge <br />and perception of city government, with the goal of helping cities continue to provide high- <br />quality constituent service. · <br /> <br />Findings <br />. Cities across Minnesota are viewed very positively by residents. <br />. Quality of life ratings are high, and city government and its services are viewed as playing <br />a ''very important" role. <br />. City government is among the most trusted and highest-rated provider of value in <br />comparison with other levels of government. <br />. Job ratings of the mayor and city council are strong, as are those of city staff. <br />. Large majorities of respondents think most cities are forward-thinking, hard-working, . <br />ethical, essential, and smart. <br /> <br />A sampling of questions and responses: <br />. Overall, do you have a positive impression, negative impression, or a neutral impression of <br />your city government as a whole? <br />Positive <br />Negative <br />Neutral <br />Don't know/refused <br /> <br />51% <br />12% <br />28% <br />9% <br /> <br />. How important of a role do you think city government and its services play in the overall <br />quality of life in your city? <br />Very important <br />Somewhat important <br />Not too/not at all important <br /> <br />63% <br />35% <br />2% <br /> <br />. Please tell me if you trust (city government) a lot, somewhat, not too much, or not at all. <br />A lot 26% <br />Somewhat 60% <br />Not too much 11 % <br />Not at all 3% <br /> <br />(OVER) <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />145 UNIVERSITY AVE. WEST <br />ST. PAUL, MN 55103~2044 <br /> <br />PHONE: (651) 281~ 1200 FAX: (651) 281-1299 <br />TOLL FREE: (800) 925-1122 WEB: WWViLMC.ORG <br />