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2008-05-28 CC
City Council
Agenda Packets
2008-05-28 CC
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5/22/2008 8:55:00 AM
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5/22/2008 8:54:15 AM
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<br />(2) Special meetings. Any three members of the Committee may call a special meeting of the <br />Committee upon at least 72 hours' written notice to each member of the Committee and Administrator. <br />This notice shall be delivered personally to each member, or left at the member's place of residence. <br />Similar written notice shall be mailed at least three days prior to the meeting date to those who have <br />requested notice of special meetings. This request must be in writing and filed with the Administrator, <br />designating an official address where notice may be mailed. The request will be valid for one year. <br /> <br />(3) Emergency meetings. <br /> <br />(a) Any three members of the Committee may call an emergency meeting of the <br />Committee when circumstances require the immediate consideration of the Committee. <br /> <br />(b) Notice may be in writing personally delivered to Committee members or may be in <br />the form of personal telephone communication. Notice must include the date, time, place and purpose <br />of the meeting. Where practical, the Administrator shall make an effort to contact news-gathering <br />organizations that have filed a request to receive notice of special meetings. <br /> <br />(G) Public notice and open meeting. <br /> <br />(I) Public notice. The Administrator must post written notice of the date, time, place and <br />purpose of the meeting on the City Hall bulletin board. Notice of meetings must be posted at least <br />three days before the date of the meeting. <br /> <br />( a) When the performance of an act is ordered within a fixed period of time, the time is <br />computed as excluding the first day and including the last day of the prescribed or fixed time period, <br />unless the last day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. For example, if a meeting is scheduled <br />for a Thursday, notice has to be given on Monday to meet the three-day notice provision. In this <br />scenario, Tuesday is day one, Wednesday is day two and Thursday is day three. Monday is not <br />included in the time computation. Similarly, if a special meeting is planned for Monday, notice must <br />be given on Friday; Saturday and Sunday are included in the time computation since they are not the <br />last day of the fixed period. <br /> <br />(b) If the Committee meets where a quorum is in attendance, the city must make public <br /> <br />notice. <br /> <br />(2) Open meeting law. Under the Minnesota Open Meeting Law, all city committee <br />meetings must be open to the public. <br /> <br />(a) The open meeting law serves three vital purposes: <br /> <br />I. To prohibit actions from being taken at a secret meeting where the interested <br />public cannot be fully informed of the decisions of public bodies or detect improper influences; <br /> <br />2. To ensure the public's right to be informed; and <br /> <br />3. To give the public an opportunity to present its views. <br />
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