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2003 Resolutions & Attachments
City Council
2003 Resolutions & Attachments
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9/27/2005 3:59:47 PM
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<br />as of Jalluary 1st in the year the city is withdrawing and shall be based on the officers <br />with the least seniority. <br /> <br />Such payment will be distributed to the ren1ailling Cities based on their percentage share of the <br />current Department budget contributions. III addition, the withdrawing city shall be responsible <br />for payment of the remaining one (1) year of c011tributions and s11all be a full participant in the <br />operation of the Department until its withdrawal is effective. <br /> <br />12.3 Refund ofPaVlnent. During the six (6) lno11th period following its notice to withdraw, a <br />city may abandon its withdrawal. In tIlat event the payment lnade to tIle remaining cities will be <br />refunded. <br /> <br />After the six (6) month period, tIlere shall be no refund of the payment made. <br /> <br />12.4 OWllersllip of Equipment. All COlltributions for equipmellt by the withdrawi11g city shall be <br />lost, and relnain tIle property of the Depart111ent. <br /> <br />SECTION XIII <br />DURATION, DISSOLUTION OF THE <br />AGREEMENT <br /> <br />13.1 Dissolution. TIlis Agreell1ent sllall renlai11 ill full force and effect u11til a I11ajority of the <br />lnell1ber cities' COUI1Cils have voted in favor of dissolution. <br /> <br />13.2 Dissolution Payments. UpOll dissolutioll, each l1lelnber city sllall continue paY11lents and <br />operate as a full participallt, under tl1is Agreelnent for a Olle (1) year peliod, so tIlat dissolution <br />can occur ill an orderly fasIlioll. <br /> <br />SECTION XIV <br />DISTRIBUTION OF EQUIPMENT UPON TERMINATION <br />OR <br />DISSOLUTION <br /> <br />14.1 Process. <br /> <br />a) Upon dissolutioll or tenllinatioll froln tllis AgreemeIlt by a nlelnber, or lnelnbers, the <br />following procedure sI1all be used to distribute the equipIllent and persollal propeliy of <br />the DepartIllent, and otller related equipnlent. DistributioI1 will occur only after all <br />DepartInent debts and long teIlli expellses have beell satisfied. <br /> <br />b) All propeliy and equiplnent will be sold. <br /> <br />c) III addition, tIle financial records of the Department will be reviewed for tIle life of the <br />agree111ent or for the last 15 years, whichever is less, to determine tIle total dollar value <br />of contributed equipmellt and ot11er payments made by eacl1 member city. TIle <br /> <br />- 10 - <br /> <br />L_ <br />
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