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<br />City Council Meeting <br />l"linute s <br />1 age Five <br />June 24, 1987 <br /> <br />Motion by Neumann, second by Laska to grant Mr. Jolly a 3.2 beer permit for $25.00 <br />plus $5.0C each day, total $35.00. He must also pay a $200.0C (non-refundable) fee <br />for the use of the ballfield and a $200.00 darnage deposit (refundable) for the use <br />of the ba.11field, rf1otion carried unanir;lously. <br /> <br />City Clerk will notify Police Dept. about July 4th & 5th ball tournament. <br /> <br />Discussion on air condi.tioning for CitS Hall Off5ce. UrviJ~le LIughes, Public 1.orks <br />Director stated that copy rnachine, Cable TV programin~3 and computer are not <br />functiuning because of the high hurr1idi ty in office. Council Flembers did not feel <br />the cost of adequate air-conditioning was feasible at this time. Orville Hughes <br />1nJill bring in a S111211 air conditioner that he is net using at horne to see if it <br />vJill take care of the humidity problern. The ci t~y council can decide if the:/ ~Tould <br />vJ8.nt to purchase it from him for the office if it take s care of the problem. <br /> <br />Clerk will inform Craig Severson of Serveson-Urman Construction, Royal Meadows, <br />that the;yr rrlust put in leaved trees not pillP or spruce as he requests. <br /> <br />Council rr:ernber R.obis~non' s 1 etter of resignat ion ~Jas discussed. Discussion 1-Til1 <br />continue at July 8, 1)67 meetinG. <br /> <br />Carol Fritchie gave a surmnary on meetinG she attended with 1'.letropol=i tan Council. <br />Clerk 1..Jill contact '~~uRd paper And put notl ce in for 2 I/olunteers and 1 aJternate <br />to serve on Metropolian Council and represent Centerville at these meetin~s. <br /> <br />Orville Hughes, Public \'iorks Director brought up question on where \~ould be <br />ti-le best place to store pea rock from road reconstruction. l~lr. Laska '\I"il] check <br />wi th l"~r. Alrnendinger because it "t.Jas deterrnined his tree farH1 s1 te would be more <br />sllited than the rink s_~ te or the Cedar Street si te. <br /> <br />l"lotJ10n b: Fri tchie, second by Neumann tu rnake pa~irr~lent of current cJ_ail:1S, rnotj on <br />c2rrLed unan~L[ilously. Copy of receipts and disbursements is attached to and rr;ade <br />pRrt of these TninutGs. <br /> <br />llot.lon by r.}eurnann, second -b::/ L' Allier to appoint CRrol Fritc[;ie a~-3 temp()rar~y (9ctin:~ <br />l'~ayclr until a pf~;r}'~anent 2ctin~ I'<Byor can be Rppoin Led, r:~(Jtion :~2rried un,gn:iLOU[3J2'. <br /> <br />l'~cticn b~/ Fri Lcl1ie, se cond by Laska to 3pPc,int l':lr. r'~eurnann to the EFJpJoyee Revic;vJ <br />.Goard, rnct Lon cRrried unanivcus1y. <br /> <br />I~loti()n bj7 Laska, second b~l Fritchie to adjourn the meetinc, 1f~()tjon carried unaninlously. <br />Meetinc adjourned at 11:20 P. N. <br /> <br />Respectfully subrnitted, <br />, . \ I) n J () <br />}/'''(.Q,~v~'~; ~ ()-{/f'~A~ <br /> <br />~.':avi.s S01 he j~d <br /> <br />Deputy/Clerk <br />