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<br />'UlS/b/"t./ <br /> <br />(1) The dimensions of the sign and, where applicable, the dimensions of the wall surface of <br />the building to which it is to be attached; <br /> <br />(2) The maximum and minimum height of the sign; <br /> <br />(3) The proposed location of the sign in relation to the boundaries of the lot upon which it is <br />to be situated; <br /> <br />(4) The proposed location of the sign in relation to the boundaries of the lot upon which it is <br />to be situated; <br /> <br />(5) If the sign is to be illuminated, the technical means by which this is to be accomplished <br />and the hours of illumination; <br /> <br />(6) Where the sign is to be attached to any existing building, a diagram or photograph of the <br />face of the building to which the sign is to be attached; <br /> <br />(7) The name and address of the owner of the sign and the address of the property where the <br />sign is located; <br /> <br />(8) Where a ground level sign is proposed with berming, a diagram showing grade level and <br />dimensions of the berm; <br /> <br />(9) When a multi-tenant comprehensive sign plan is submitted, the plan must include the <br />location, size, height, color, lighting and orientation of all signs; and <br /> <br />(10) Where a ground sign plan is submitted, the plan must include the location of the sign in <br /> <br />relation to the lot lines and the buil . t, di '~T' .............................................. .' cgrade, <br />size, color, lighting and hours ofillu ...... <br />(Ord. 39, passed --) <br /> <br /> <br />~ 152.20 ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS. <br /> <br />(A) The Commission of Adjustments and Appeals will be comprised by all members of the <br />Planning and Zoning Committee. <br /> <br />(B) The Planning and Zoning Committee will hear and make recommendations to the City <br />Council regarding: <br /> <br />(1) Appeals where it is alleged that there is an error in any order, requirement, decision or <br />determination made by an administrative officer in the city in the enforcement ofthis chapter; and <br /> <br />(2) Petitions for variances from the literal provisions of this chapter in instances where their <br />strict enforcement would cause hardship because of circumstances unique to the individual property <br />under consideration. Criteria for granting a variance will be the same as the criteria for granting a <br />22 <br />